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Back You are here: Home Library Invocation Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya (The Psalms of Islam) Sahifa al-Kamilah 14.His Supplication in Acts of Wrongdoing

14.His Supplication in Acts of Wrongdoing

His Supplication in Acts of Wrongdoing

His Supplication when Hostility was Shown to Him or when he Saw what he did not Like in Wrongdoers89

1 O He from whom is not concealed
news of the aggrieved!
2 O He who has no need to be told about them
by the witnessing of the witnesses!
3 O He who whose help is near to the wronged!
4 O He whose aid is far from the wrongdoers!
5 Thou knowest, my God,
how so-and-so, son of so-and-so, has harmed me
in that which Thou hast forbidden,
and how he has violated me
in that which Thou hast prohibited,
showing thereby ingratitude toward Thy favour upon him
and delusion concerning what Thou hast denied him.

6 O God,
so bless Muhammad and his Household,
keep my wrongdoing enemy from wronging me through Thy strength,
blunt his blade toward me through Thy power,
and assign to him
a diversion in that which is close to him
and the inability to reach his enemy!
7 O God,
bless Muhammad and his Household,
let the wrongdoer not find it easy to wrong me,
give me good help against him,
preserve me from the like of his acts,
and place me not in the like of his situation!
8 O God,
bless Muhammad and his Household,
and assist me with an immediate assistance
that will heal my rage toward him
and redeem my fury toward him!
9 O God,
bless Muhammad and his Household,
compensate me for his wronging me with Thy pardon
and replace his evil action toward me with Thy mercy,
for every detested thing less than Thy anger is slight
and every disaster next to Thy rancour indifferent!
10 O God,
just as Thou hast made me detest being wronged,
so also protect me from doing wrong!
11 O God,
I complain to no one but Thee,
and I seek help from no ruler other than Thee -
how could I?
So bless Muhammad and his Household,
join my supplication to response,
and unite my complaint with change!
12 O God,
tempt me not with despair of Thy just treatment
and tempt him not with feeling secure from Thy disapproval,
lest he persist in wronging me
and constrain me in my rights.90
Let him soon recognize
what Thou hast promised the wrongdoers91
and let me recognize
Thy promised response to the distressed!92
13 O God,
bless Muhammad and his Household,
give me success in accepting Thy decrees
for me and against me,
make me pleased with what Thou takest
for me and from me,
guide me to that which is most upright
and employ me in that which is safest!
14 O God,
if the best for me with Thee lies
in delaying the taking to task for my sake
of him who has wronged me
and in refraining from vengeance toward him
until the Day of Decision and
the Gathering of Disputants,
then bless Muhammad and his Household,
strengthen me from Thee
with true intention
and lasting patience,
15 give me refuge
from evil desire
and the impatience of the greedy,
and form in my heart the image of
Thy reward
which Thou hast stored away for me
and the repayment and punishment
which Thou has prepared for my disputant!
Make this a cause of my contentment
with what Thou hast decreed
and my trust
in what Thou hast chosen!
16 Amen, Lord of the worlds!
Thou art of bounty abounding
and Thou art powerful over everything.


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