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Back You are here: Home Library Beliefs Our Beliefs Ch.3-Quran and The Holy Scriptures 31-The Danger Of Self Commentaries

31-The Danger Of Self Commentaries

WE BELIEVE that self commentary of QUR?N (i.e. to use one's own views and interests in comments)

is a very dangerous programme in relatoin to QUR?N, and of course one of the few DEADLY SINS. Through a tradition God says:_

"He who commentates any words with his own views and self interset does not believe in Me!"

evidently had he been a believer, he would not commentate the words of God to accord with his lusts and conjectures.

In many important books among which we may name SAHIH TERMADI page 304: It is written that the prophet has siad:_

"He who commentates QUR?N by his fancies, and on the basis of self interest, or what he knows not, he should prepare himself to join the Fire of HELL."

By self commentary we mean to describe or explain the Quranic verses by one's own point of view. such a commentator is not a follower of Quran, He rather tries to make Qur. to follow his CAPRICES and conjectures. If the Gates of self_commentaries be kept open to Quran, the sacred Book will lose importance and soon will be of no value among all, because every one could then seek to compare and conform his false

ideas with Quran, as an evidence to prove.

Self commentary is also in contrast with the accepted rules and regulations of Arabic literature and linguistics,. The likening of QUR?N'S verses to one's fancies and conjectures will cause deviation and swerving in the straight path of the book.

Self commentary consists of several branches, among which, to USE OUR the self_interests is one. To make it short, as the unreasonable grasp of the fundamental meaning of the words may lead to deviation from the turth, so is self_commentary,; both ways will keep the believer far apart from the excellent commandments and blessfull teaching of the Glorious Quran.

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