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73-The Temporary Marriage

WE BELIEVE that the temporary marriage is lawful; and in our religious juris prudence, it is termed "MOT - EH". From this motive marriage is of two kinds:_ The permanent one which has not a limited

time: and the temporary marriage which is for a limited period, which the couple will agree on that.

In many respects both of the wedlocks are the same.

As for the dower; the freedom of the female spouse from any impediments; and rules and regulations for the childrem; both of the two marriages are similar.

There are also some differences between the two wedlock such that the male spouse has not to pay the ALIMONY, or that the couple do not inherit each other (of course their children do imherit their parents).

However we have taken this order out of the HOLY QUR?N:_

".... All women other than those mentioned here are lawful for you provided you seek them in marriage with your wealth in a modest conduct(CHASTITY), and not by fornication.

Give them their dower for the enjoyment you have had with them, as your duty, but it shall be of no blame on you to make any agreement among yourselves; and Allah is All_knowing All_wise.


Many of the great commentators have explained that the above verse aims at the TEMPORARY MARRIAGE.

In TABARY'S COMMENTARY book it is written that this verse indicates the temporary marriage and that many of the prophets's companions have testified that.

In many famous tradition books such as SAHIH BOKHARI SAHIH MOSLIM and MASNAD AHMAD, there are traditions about the temporary marriage declaring it a lawful religious act which used to be done in the life time of the prophet. There are also some narration in these books that deny and reject it.

Some scholars believe that during the life time of the prophet it wes done, but after the prophet it was forbidden by OMAR the second KHALIF.

In the famous book THE SONAN OF BEIHAGHI vol.7 _ P.206_ it is written that OMAR the second khalif said,

"TWO MOT.EHS were decreed by the prophet of God:_ Temporary marriage and HAJ (spacial rites in pilgrimage) which I declare them both as unlwful!!"

So the Sonni scholars have different ideas about that; some admit and some reject, but the SHIITE SCHOLARS take it to be lawful with unanimous approval.

We believe that if temporary marriage be not misused, it will give an adeqate answer to many questions of the young generation of our time, who cannot afford a permanent wed lock, or those in long journeys either for economical or educational purposes.

Those who work against the temporary marriage are PAVING the road to fornication and obscene acts particularly in our time in which the age of marriage is up and lustful means are abundant.

Closing the door of lawful marriages, means to open the doors of fornication and evil sexual acts.

Let me repeat once again that we reject all sorts of misuse in this respect such a making a play toy out of it. or turning a woman into a means for lusts and

passions instead of a real wife. On the other hand, no one should leave a good and useful law unattended, because some may use it in a bad way.

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