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Chapter 5-Hadith al-Thaqalayn

 Chapter 5 

Hadith al-Thaqalayn


 Ahmad bin Hanbal says:

 Aswad bin ‘Amir has related from AbÄ« Isrā’Ä«l, i.e. Ismā‘Ä«l bin AbÄ« Ishāq Malaie, from ‘Atiyyah from AbÄ« Sa‘Ä«d who quotes the Prophet as saying:

 “InnÄ« tārikun fÄ«kum al-thaqalayn, ahaduhumā akbaru min al-akhar, Kitaballāh hablun mamdudun min al-samā’-i ilā al-arz wa ‘itratÄ« Ahl-i BaytÄ«, wa annahumā lan yaftaraqā hattā yaridā ‘alayya al-hawz” (I am leaving among you two precious things, one of which is greater than the other. The Book of Allah which is the rope extending from the sky to the earth and my progeny my Ahl al-Bayt. And the two will never part with each other until they return to me at the pool (of kawthar in paradise).[33]


[33] Ibid, vol. 3, p. 14. Hadith al-Thaqalayn has been recorded extensively in the Musnad, e.g. vol. 3, pp. 17, 26 & 59; vol. 4, p. 367; vol. 5, pp. 181, 189, 190.

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