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Chapter 6-Hadith al-Ghadir

Chapter 6 

Hadith al-Ghadir


 Ahmad bin Hanbal says:

 ‘Abdullāh bin Ahmad relates from ‘AlÄ« bin HakÄ«m AwdÄ« from SharÄ«k from Abi Ishāq from Sa‘Ä«d bin Wahab and Zayd bin Yuyhay‘ both of whom have narrated:

 (Imam) ‘AlÄ« [(‘a)] complained and addressed the people at Rahbah, saying:

 “All those who had heard the Prophet’s words at GhadÄ«r Khum, stand up.”

The narrator says:

 Six persons on behalf of Sa‘Ä«d and six persons on behalf of Zayd stood up and bore testimony that they heared the Prophet say on the Day of GhadÄ«r:

 “A laysa Allahu awlā bi al-mu’minÄ«n? Qālu: Balā. Qāla: Allahumma man kuntu mawlāh fa ‘AlÄ«yyun mawlāh. Allahumma wāli man wālāh wa ‘adi man ‘adāh (Is not God superior to the faithful?

Yes! said the gathering. He said:

 O Allah! For whomsoever I am master ‘AlÄ« is his master. O Allah! befriend his friends and despise his enemies)”.[34]

 Ibn Hanbal has recorded the event of GhadÄ«r over 30 times in his Musnad through different isnād or chains of authority and in the words of more than 10 companions of the Prophet.[35] The version of HadÄ«th al-GhadÄ«r mentioned above is from the notes of Ibn Hanbal’s son ‘Abdullāh on his father’s work. Ahmad Shākir the annotator of the Musnad has described as sahÄ«h the isnād of this hadÄ«th and has said about Sa‘Ä«d bin Wahab KhaywānÄ« that he was among the trustworthy and experienced Muslims of the first generation after the Prophet.[36]      


[34] Al-Musnad, hadith no. 950 (Ahmad Shākir).

[35] Al-Salafī, Murshid al-Muhtār, vol. 3, pp. 156-157.

[36]  Ahmad Shākir’s explanation on Hadith al-GhadÄ«r.

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