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Chapter 7-Preventing the Prophet from Writing the Will

Chapter 7 

Preventing the Prophet from Writing the Will


 Ahmad bin Hanbal says:

 Wahab bin JarÄ«r has related from his father from Yunus from ZuharÄ« from ‘Ubaydullāh that ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Abbās narrated a hadÄ«th to us that the Prophet said in his last days:

 “Come, I will write for you a text so that you will never go astray after me”.

 Several persons including ‘Umar bin al-Khattāb were present and ‘Umar told the gathering:

 Pain has prevailed upon the Prophet. The Qur’ān is with you and the Book of Allah is sufficient for us.

 The gathering disputed with each other in this matter, with some repeating ‘Umar’s words and others telling him (‘Umar):

 Hearken, so that the Prophet may write something for you.

 Since voices were raised and disputes arose the Prophet felt distressed and told them firmly:

“Get up and leave my presence”.

 Ibn ‘Abbās added:

 The great tragedy is that, by their dispute and clamour, they prevented the Prophet from writing the will for them.[37]

 Ahmad Shākir describing the isnād of this hadÄ«th as sahÄ«h,[38] writes: This hadÄ«th has been repeated in this book (Musnad) in the same words or in a summarised form in several places.[39]


[37] Al-Musnad, hadith no. 2992 (Ahmad Shākir)

[38] Refer to footnotes of the same hadith.

[39] Al-Musnad, hadith nos. 2676 & 31111; also refer to Musnad, Matba‘ah al-Maymaniyyah, vol. 3, p. 346 (Musnad Jābir bin ‘Abdullāh al-AnsārÄ«).

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