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Chapter 8-Three Merits of Imam Ali (a) in One Hadith

 Chapter 8 

Three Merits of Imam ‘Ali (‘a) in One Hadith


 Ahmad bin Hanbal says:

 Qutaybah bin Sa‘Ä«d has related to us from Hātam bin Ismā‘Ä«l from Bukayr bin Mismār from ‘Amir bin Sa‘d from his father (Sa‘d bin AbÄ« Waqqās) who narrated the hadith that when the Prophet on leaving for a campaign asked (Imam) ‘AlÄ« (‘a) to stay (behind in the city) in his place, the latter said:

 “Are you leaving me with the women and children?”

 I heard the Prophet reply to him:

 “Yā ‘AlÄ« amā tarzā ‘an takuna minnÄ« bi manzilati Hārun min Musā illā annahu lā nabiyya ba‘dÄ« (O ‘AlÄ«! Are you not pleased that your position to me is similar to that of Aaron to Moses, except that prophethood will cease after me?).”

 (Sa‘d bin AbÄ« Waqqās says) I also heard (the Prophet say) on the Day of Khaybar:

 “La-u‘tiyanna al-rāyah rajulan yuhibbu Allaha wa Rasulahu wa yuhibbuhu Allahu wa Rasuluh” (I will give the standard to the man who loves Allah and His Prophet and who is loved (in turn) by Allah and His Prophet).”

 All of us raised our necks (to see). He said:

 “Call ‘AlÄ« to me.”

 On hearing this instruction (Imam) ‘AlÄ« [(‘a)] was brought to the Prophet with sore eyes. The Prophet rubbed his eyes with his saliva and gave him the standard and through his hands Allah conquered Khaybar for the Muslims. And when the ayah “Call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves” (3:61) was revealed, the Messenger of Allah called ‘AlÄ« (‘a), Fātimah (‘a), Hasan (‘a) and Husayn (‘a) and said:

 “Allahumma hāulā’i ahlÄ« (O Allah these [persons] are my family).”[40]

 The annotator of the Musnad considers the isnād of this hadith as sahÄ«h (authoritative) and writes:

 This hadith has also been recorded through Qutabyah on the same chain of authority by Muslim and Tirmidhi in their books. At the beginning of this hadith, it is mentioned in the two books (SahÄ«h Muslim and SahÄ«h Tirmidhi) that Mu‘āwiyah (bin AbÄ« Sufyān) ordered Sa'd (bin Abi Waqqas) to curse (Imam) ‘AlÄ« (‘a), saying:

 What prevents you from cursing Abu Turab? 

 Sa'd replied:

 “I remember three things which the Messenger of Allah said to (Imam) ‘AlÄ« (‘a) and accordingly I will never curse him. If only one of these virtues was for me I would have considered it better than possessing red-haired camels.”

 Then he related the three virtues (of Imam ‘AlÄ«) for Mu‘āwiyah as said before.[41]


[40] Al-Musnad, hadith no. 1608 (Ahmad Shākir).

[41] Muslim bin Hajjāj, al-Jāmi‘ al-SahÄ«h, vol. 2, pp. 236-237, Bulaq Press, Cairo, 1290 AH; Muhammad bin ‘Isā TirmidhÄ«: al-Sunan (al-Jāmi‘ al-SahÄ«h), vol. 4, pp. 329-330, printed in India, 1328.

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