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Chapter 11-Friendship with the Ahl al-Bayt (a)

Chapter 11 

Friendship with the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a)


 Ibn Hanbal says:

A. Ahmad has related from Ibn Numayr from A‘mash from ‘Adiyy bin Thābit from Zirr bin Husbaish from (Imam) ‘AlÄ« [(‘a)] who narrates:

 By Allah! One of the covenants which the Messenger of Allah (S) bound me with is this:

 “None will bear enmity towards me but the hypocrite and none will love me but the faithful believer.”[49]

 Ahmad Shākir regards the isnād of this hadith as sahÄ«h and says about ‘Adiyy bin Thābit al-AnsārÄ« al-KufÄ«:

 He was one of the trustworthy persons of the first generation of Muslims after the Prophet and his being a ShÄ«‘ah does not affect his narrations since he was trustworthy and truthful.

 B. ‘Abdullāh bin Ahmad has recorded: Nasr bin ‘AlÄ« AzdÄ« narrates from ‘AlÄ« bin Ja‘far from his brother (Imam) Musā bin Ja‘far [(‘a)] from his father (Imam) Ja‘far bin Muhammad (al-Sadiq) from his father (Muhammad bin ‘AlÄ« al-Bāqir), and he from (his father Imam) ‘AlÄ« bin al-Husayn [(‘a)], who from his father (Imam Husayn), and grandfather (Imam ‘AlÄ«), who narrates the hadith that the Messenger of Allah (S) holding the hands of Hasan and Husayn said:

 “Man ahabbanÄ« wa ahabba hadhayn wa abāhumā wa ummahumā kāna ma‘Ä« fÄ« darajatÄ« yawm al-qiyāmah” (Anyone who loves me and these two and their father and mother will be with me and on my station on the Day of Resurrection).[50]

 Ahmad Shākir considers the isnād of this hadith as sahÄ«h. It is also worth noting that when Nasr bin ‘AlÄ« AzdÄ« narrated this hadith he was subjected to 1000 whiplashes on the orders of the ‘Abbāsid caliph al-Mutawakkil.[51]

 C. Abu Ahmad (Muhammad bin ‘Abdullāh bin Zubayr AsadÄ«) has related to us from Sufyān (ThawrÄ«) from AbÄ« Jihāf from Abi Hāzim from AbÄ« Hurayrah who quotes a hadith from the Messenger of Allah (S), saying:

 “Man ahabbahumā faqad ahabbanÄ« wa man abghazahumā faqad abghazanÄ«, ya‘nÄ« Hasanan wa Husaynan” (Anyone who loves them, I mean Hasan and Husayn, indeed loves me, and anyone who hates them, surely hates me).[52]

 Ahmad Shākir considers the isnād of this hadith as sahÄ«h.


[49] Al-Musnad, hadith no. 642 (Ahmad Shākir). This hadith has been recorded through a slightly different chain of authority (isnād) on pages 102 & 236 of the same book. 

[50] Ibid, hadith no. 576. This hadith has been added by Ibn Hanbal’s son ‘Abdullāh.

[51] Ibn Hajar ‘AsqalānÄ«, TahdhÄ«b al-TahdhÄ«b, vol. 1, p. 430, printed by Dā’irat al-Ma‘ārif al-‘Uthmāniyyah, Haiderabad Deccan (India).

[52] Al-Musnad, hadith no. 7863 (Ahmad Shākir); also refer to hadith nos. 6406 & 7392 of the same edition.

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