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Chapter 15-Ammar would be Killed by Transgressors

Chapter 15 

‘Ammar would be Killed by Transgressors


 Ibn Hanbal says:

 Abu Mu‘āwiyah has related to us from A‘mash from ‘Abd al-Rahmān bin Ziyād who quotes ‘Abdullāh bin Harth as saying:

 I was with Mu‘āwiyah (ibn AbÄ« Sufyān) when he was returning from (the Battle of) SiffÄ«n and I was riding between him and ‘Amr bin ‘As, when ‘Abdullāh the son of ‘Amr bin ‘As said:

 Don't you remember the Messenger of Allah had told ‘Ammār

 “Waihaka yā ibn al-Sumayyah, taqtuluka al-fi’ah al-bāghiyah (Bravo O son of Sumayyah! You will be killed by a group of transgressors).”

 ‘Amr bin ‘As turned to Mu‘āwiyah and said:

 Did you not hear what he says?

 Mu‘āwiyah replied:

 You find fault with us! Did we kill him? Those who brought him here are responsible for his death![58]

 This hadith has been recorded over twenty times in the Musnad on the authority of eight companions of the Prophet with variations in its text.[59] Ahmad Shākir considers this hadith not only sahÄ«h but mutawātir (regularly transmitted throughout the first three generations of Muslims by a large number of transmitters) and says that scholars have never doubted its veracity. Explaining the word hannahu (finding fault) as used by Mu‘āwiyah, he writes:

 It is clear that Mu‘āwiyah is not disputing this hadith but is censurng ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Amr (bin ‘As) for remembering it in this situation (when ‘Ammār has been killed by his troops), since he fears that if his army knows that he is on the wrong track they would desert him. In view of this fact, Mu‘āwiyah was trying to misinterpret and give a wrong connotation to this hadith by saying that the killers of ‘Ammār are those that brought him to the battlefield.

 Ahmad Shākir, quoting Ibn Hajar ‘AsqalānÄ«’s comments in Fath al-BārÄ« fÄ« TafsÄ«r SahÄ«h al-BukhārÄ« (vol. 1, p. 452), further writes:

 This hadith has been related by several companions of the Prophet including Qatādah bin Nu‘mān, Umm Salamah, AbÄ« Hurayrah, ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Amr bin ‘As, ‘Uthmān bin ‘Affān, Hudhayfah al-YamānÄ«, Abu Ayyub al-AnsārÄ«, Abu Rāfi‘, Khuzaymah bin Thābit, Mu‘āwiyah, ‘Amr bin ‘As, Abu al-Yasar and ‘Ammār bin Yāsir himself.  This hadith is a firm proof of the virtues of (Imam) ‘AlÄ« [(‘a)] and ‘Ammār and their standing with the Prophet. It is also a fitting reply to the enemies of (Imam) ‘AlÄ« (nawāsib pl. of nāsib) who accuse him of error in his wars (during his caliphate).[60]


[58] Al-Musnad, hadith no. 6499 (Ahmad Shākir).

[59] Also refer to hadith nos. 6500, 6926, 6927. For other instances of its recording in the Musnad refer to al-SalafÄ«: Murshid al-Muhtār, vol. 2, p. 39. For details on the Prophet’s prophecy and ‘Ammar’s martyrdom refer to Muhammad bin JarÄ«r al-TabarÄ«: TārÄ«kh al-Rusul wa al-Muluk, vol. 5, pp. 38 to 42, annotated by Muhammad Abu al-Fazl IbrahÄ«m, 2nd edition, Dār al-Ma‘ārif, Egypt, 1971.

[60] Al-Musnad, hadith nos. 209, 210.

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