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Back You are here: Home Library God Fundamentals of Knowing God Section Three: Divine Theology Third Stage: Submission in Divine Theology

Third Stage: Submission in Divine Theology

Third Stage: Submission in Divine Theology

At the time when man, by going through the stage of 'definition' (of God) and 'remembrance' sees the gifted and granted Ma'refat (gnosis) of God in the light of 'Fitrat' (innate disposition) and perceives with reality its essence he finds himself in front of two ways: “Submission and gratitude” and the other “denial and infidelity”


“Surely we have shown him the way: he may be thankful or unthankful.” (Holy Quran: Insaan: 3)

At this very halting place it is crucial that the fundamental and decisive choice of man in his guidance becomes clear. It is not improper to pursue the matter by setting forth a question. From the one side, Holy Quran attributes guidance to God and from the other side it severely emphasizes the choice of man and his position in his prosperity.[39]

Regarding the first set, one can mention the following verses:


“Surely ours is it to show the way” (Holy Quran: Lail: 12)


“To make them walk in the right way is not incumbent on you, but Allah guides aright whom He pleases.” (Holy Quran: Bagarah: 272)


“Surely the (true) guidance is the guidance of Allah.” (Holy Quran: Bagarah: 73)


“Surely the guidance of Allah, that is the (true) guidance” (Holy Quran: An'am: 71)

The following verses on the other hand reveal the second point:


“So if they submit then indeed they follow the right way; and if they turn back, then upon you is only the delivery of message” (Holy Quran: Ale-Imraan: 20)


“Nay! It is surely an admonition. So whoever pleases may mind it.” (Holy Quran: Muddasir: 55 and 55)

Now, how should these verses be interpreted so that they are in harmony with each other and with respect to the other verses, reveal the position of Quran in this matter? By deliberating and reflecting over the verses it will become clear that discovery and perception of guidance is related to the discovery of the two stages of 'definition' and 'Submission' and guidance is consisting of two inseparable parts: One is the help and favour of God and the other is the acceptance and submission of man.


“Say: Surely the guidance of Allah, that is the (true) guidance, and we are commanded that we should submit to the Lord of the worlds.” (Holy Quran: An'aam: 71)


“It is upon God to introduce Himself to the people and it is upon them to accept Him after introduction” (Usul kafi; vol. 1; Pg. 164)

As such, introducing Himself and showing the path of goodness and righteousness and guiding towards the true path is from God's side. In contrast, seeking and searching the truth, accepting and bowing down before God and traversing the path of bondage and perfection are the duties of man.


“So if they submit then indeed they follow the right way” (Holy Quran: Ale-Imran: 20)

Guidance by way of 'definition' (of God) and being guided by means of 'submission' are in reality the two pillars from the pillars of logic of theology and the school of divine prophets which if linked together with 'reminding(s)', the pillar of divine theology becomes completed and the means of submission and servitude reach perfection. We have already spoken about 'definition' and 'reminding' in the past and the topic of this stage is the discussion of 'submission'.

Right over here it, we emphasize that the discussion of submission, like the discussion of definition and reminding is from the special qualities of divine religions and is from the specialities of the school of revelation. In the logic of Greek confirmation the talk is not about faith and belief or denial and disobedience towards Ma'refat and certitude. First of all in that logic, the criterion and basis is 'rational Ma'refat.' Secondly, in the course of this Ma'refat nothing such as heartly contract and faith or elusion from Ma'refat is imagined.

The philosophy of Greece reckons the real value and the true part of man to be the faculty of speech i.e. the faculty of thought. It does not speak about the acquaintance of heart in a person and about the heart which is the place of belief and disbelief and nor about free will and authority which is the basis of these two (i.e. belief and disbelief). These matters will gradually be mentioned in these very writings. So it is better to return back to the main topic and be after the discussion of 'submission'. This discussion will be set forth in two chapters: One is the basis of confession and denial and the other is the consequence and outcome of the path of submission.

The first part will reveal this matter that how man shows reaction in front of the clear path and the manifest Ma'refat and basically why and how man turns away from Ma'refat and reality and chooses obstinacy and transgression.


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