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Brief Answer

Brief Answer

The opinion that he has a spouse and children—although possible and not necessarily in conflict with the mission of his prolonged occultation—is not supported by any definitive evidence. It might reasonably be contended that just as Divine decree has dictated that he should remain in the shadows of mystery so too should this question remain a part of that mystery.

 As to the location of his residence, there are three groups of ahadith that address this question. The first group do not specify a certain location but—in the case of some of them at least—indicate that he is itinerant, remaining primarily within the mountainous and desert regions. The second group state that he lives among people but without being recognized. The third group point to specific locations as to where he resides, such as Medina, or Mount Razawi in Medina, or around Mecca, in the Mountain of Zu Tua.

 Although the three groups might seem contradictory, they can be reconciled. For, it might very likely be the case that he mainly lives within cities, in Mecca or Medina, but some times due to urgent circumstances leaves for the mountains and deserts.

 As to the question of his diet and clothing, it should be borne in mind that he lives an ordinary life, much like other people. On referring to the hadiths it is made clear, however, that he contents himself with the least. In a hadith Imam Husayn b. ‘Ali (ع)explains that his attire is rough and coarse and that his diet consists mainly of bread produced from barley.

 As to why we pray for his health, it must be said that the ahadith related from the Imams exhort us to do so, and so we must comply in spite of being unaware of the reason. Nevertheless several possible explanations might be posited, among them the following:

 1.      Praying for his health is a factor conducive to his wellbeing, and as God knows that there are believers in every age who pray for his wellbeing, it is in this way that He guarantees his health. Of course, this should not imply that if no one prayed for him he would be overcome by disease. This is similar to God’s guarantee that He will secure His religion, although some may renounce their belief therein.

2.      What has been guaranteed on God’s part is to safeguard his life until the time of his mission. Hence, this might not include minor ailments and distresses, which could possibly be covered by our prayers.

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