
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Question Paper on Lesson 35

Question Paper on Lesson 35

 Question 1:       [10  points]

True or False:

(a)    The father is the leader of the family without any responsibilities.

(b)   A mother's basic duties towards her children is: to love, nurture and train them as good Muslims.

(c)    In showing kindness to the parents, the rights of mother and father are equal.

(d)   The Qur'ān has emphasized more on the rights of the children rather than the rights of the parents.

(e)    Silatu 'r-rahm can affect our lives in this world.

 Question 2:       [20  points]

How did the statement of Imam Zaynu ’l-‘Abidin about the mother affect you personally? Write your thoughts in a short paragraph.

 Question 3:       [20  points]

Explain the ways and methods by which you would do silatu 'r-rahm in today's modern and busy lifestyle of the West.

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