Question Paper on Lesson 41

Question Paper on Lesson 41

 Question 1:       [20 points]

True or False:

(a)    The fourth Imam’s mother was a princess of the Sasanid royal family.

(b)   Imam Zaynu ’l-‘Ä€bidÄ«n did jihād in Karbala.

(c)    Hajja was a companion of the fourth Imam.

(d)   Nahju 'l-Balāghah is one of the works of Imam ‘Ali ibn al-Husayn.

(e)    Risālatu ’l-HuqÅ«q deals with socio-ethical rights in fifty different cases.

(f)     Farazdaq was a famous and powerful poet.

(g)    Walid bin ‘Abdu ’l-Malik became jealous and said “Who is this?” regarding the Imam.

(h)    Imam Zaynu ’l-‘Ä€bidÄ«n was born in Medina and also died in Medina.

(i)      The holy Imam was taken to Damascus only once.

(j)     The fourth Imam had 701 students.

 Question 2:       [20 points]

Explain in your own words the role of Imam Zaynu ’l-‘Ä€bidÄ«n in awakening the masses against Yazid and in conveying the message of Imam Husayn to the people.

 Question 3:       [10 points]

Write your own feelings about Farazdaq and the circumstances under which he extemporaneously composed the poem about the holy Imam.


[44] Ahmad is one of the names of the Prophet. In Arabic, it is common to call his grandfather as “his father”.

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