Question Paper on Lesson 48

Question Paper on Lesson 48

 Question 1:       [20 points]

True or False:

(a)    Imam Hasan al-‘Askari was born in Baghdad.

(b)   “Al-‘Askari” is the Imam’s title because he was born in Samarra.

(c)    Mu‘tazz, Muhtadi and Mu‘tamid were caliphs during the imamate of the eleventh Imam.

(d)   Mu‘tazz forbade the presence of female singers in the court as a pretence of being pious.

(e)    Mu‘tamid’s reign was full of civil strife and tyranny.

(f)     ‘Ali bin Husayn bin Bābawayh was the father of Shaykh al-MufÄ«d.

(g)    In inheriting from the parent, the daughter gets half of the share of a son.

(h)    Mu‘tamid asked Imam al-‘Askari for help in disclosing the monk’s deceit.

(i)      Al-Kindi was writing a book to challenge the Nahju ’l-Balāgha.

(j)     Ibn Abil ‘Awjā’ was a companion of Imam al-‘Askari.


Question 2:       [15 points]

Describe and comment on the method used by Imam Hasan al-‘Askari (a.s.) to prevent Ishāq al-Kindi from writing the response to the Qur’ān.


Question 3:       [15 points]

Describe the Imam’s miracle of rain in your own words.

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