
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Asefoddoleh Becoming Paralytic

Asefoddoleh Becoming Paralytic


In the end of Ghajar dynasty rule, custodianship of the shrine of abdolazim was entrusted to late Agha Mir(trustee of shrine), and the government of Tehran was given to Asefoddoleh who claimed he was also custodian of the shrine.
Agha mir did not accept this and said the custodianship of the place belonged to the religious ruler and not the governor. The skirmish over this led to Asefeddoleh sending some soldiers to arrest agha mir.

They arrived in the shrine in the evening. When soldiers tried to arrest him, servants of the shrine asked them to wait on till the ceremonies would be ended. Late Agha Mir gave lecture for ceremonies, he laidthe first lamp in its place and avoided placing the other lamps in their respective place. He faced towards the tomb of abdolazim and said O' son of the prophet, asefdoleh has sent soldiers to arrest me, if you don't help me I won't light up them. Suddenly two messengers came and said Agha Mir should not be captured.

Asefdoleh last night suffered pain in the abdomen and died.

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