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The Birth and Education of Fatimal –Ma'sooma (AS)

The Birth and Education of Fatimal –Ma'sooma “a.s”


The people of Almadeenal Munawwara were expecting a birth of a female child of the prophet’s household, and especially the family of Imam Al-Kaadhum “a.s” who also were expecting the blessed coming of this child.
Najma, the spouse of Imam Al-Kaadhum “a.s.”, was spending the night and the day with the hope of giving birth, while the house experiences and calls out for happiness and joyfulness.

And lastly at the beginning of Thul-Kiada month 173 A.H., the days of the expectation had finished, while Allah “s.w.” provided Al-Imam Al-kaadhum “a.s” with a blessed and honoured female birth.

Happiness overcame the community, while no one reached the happiness degree of Imam Al-kaadhum save Najma his wife, on whom the mercy of God “s.w.” descended, when she was provided with her second birth after twenty-five years of Ali’s birth, who was called as Ar-Ridha “a.s.” and whose birth was in the same month Thul-Kiada in the year 148A.H. Najma became extremely happy for him, hence Allah “s.w.” favored her and Al-Imam Al-Kaadhum “a.s.” by giving them a girl who would be the sister of Ar-Ridha “a.s.”.

And due to the close relationship between Imam Al-Kadhum and his grandmother, Fatima Al-Zahra, he called his darling daughter Fatima, whom then was known as Al-Ma'sooma ie “the infallible” for her devoutness and saintliness and she imitated her father in his infallibility and abstained herself from any sin or evil.

The name of Fatima has its particular affection for that which tells of the sweet and bitter memories about the veracious immaculate Fatima “Faimatil –Zahra” “a.s.”, and whenever they called one of their females Fatima, she will gain a particular estimation of dignity, and welfare because of her similarity with the name of the Prophet’s daughter, hence the Lady Fatima Al-Ma'sooma was never out of this good attribute wherever she was.

Imam Kadhum “a.s.” did his best in order to protect and educate his darling daughter, while he left no effort to demonstrate his attention and affection towards her.

The Lady Al-Ma'sooma lived under the protection of her noble parents, from whom she attained the good virtues and qualities, while her father was an infallible Imam, and whom no one equals in his virtues and piety whereas her mother is “Najma”, a virtuous, faithful woman, and was educated at the school of Imam As-Saadiq’s wife, and who was known by piety during that period. Thus Hameeda, mother of Imam Kaadhum “a.s.” advised her son Al-Kadhum “a.s.” to marry Najma.

The Lady Ma'sooma got benefit everyday at hands of her infallible father and brother “a.s.”, and her educated pious mother, till she attained a high level in knowledge and virtue while she became aware of many kinds of Islamic knowledge and matters during her youth.

One day a company of Shia' came to Al- Madeena in order to lay their religious questions at Imam Al- Kaadhum “a.s.”, and to take knowledge from its original springs, but Imam Al-Kaadhum and Imam Ar-Ridha “a.s.” were travelling out of Al-Madeen, and so they became grieved because they did not find the trustee of Allah who can solve their inquiries so they were obliged to think of returning back.

When the lady Ma'sooma “a.s.” saw their sadness she took their question which were written and answered them.

Then the group’s grief was changed into extreme happiness, since they returned back home with their solved inquiries prosperously. When they returned, they met Imam Al-Kaadhum “a.s.” and they told him about what had happened for them and when he saw his daughter’s answer on those questions he recommened his daughter briefly saying “May her father be sacrificed for her”.

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