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Sayings of The Holy Imam Hasan (pbuh) about Hajj

Sayings of The Holy Imam Hasan (pbuh) about Hajj


1st Narration

سه نفر در پناه خدايند ... و مردى كه براى حج يا عمره بيرون آيد و جز براى خدا بيرون نيامده باشد، او از مهمانان خداوند است، تا آن كه به خانواده اش بازگردد.

There are 3 persons who are under god’s protection , The third one is a person who left home for doing the Hajj or Umrah , the pilgrims of the Holy Ka`aba , and to not left home for a reason unless god , He is one of God`s guests until he return home .

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