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He is Hassan Al-Ajam Afzal Al-Din Badeel Abraham Bin Ali Khaghani Al-Sharwany, one of well-known poets of Iran in the sixth lunar century.

He joined the royal palace of grand Khakan Manoochehr Bin Fraidoon Sharwanshah through the influence of his teacher and his wife’s father Abu Al-Alaa Al-Ghanjawy, prior to that he was dubbed Al-Hakayeki.

Khakany’s stay in the royal palace created many problems for him, one of them was mistrust! At the beginning he was forbidden of traveling to Mecca, then he was put behind bars, and later when he came back home from his voyage to Mecca in the lunar year 596, he stayed in Tabreez city but due to isolation and the death of his son in addition to life’s difficulties, he passed away in that city.

Khakany poetized the masterpiece of two Iraqs (Tohfat Al-Irakein) in more than three thousands of verses in the name of Jamal Al-Din Abu Jaafar Muhammad Bin Ali Al-Isfahani the minister. This book explains Khakany’s first trip to the holy land in Hijaz and two Iraqs (Persian Iraq and Arabic Iraq).

He describes in the book the cities and provinces in addition to the conditions of men and the distinctive figures in science and literature and traditions, heritage along with a brief description to his own life. Poems of the masterpiece of two Iraqs are complicated and closed which need to be explained and illustrated.

That book became available in the year 1954 including an explanation from Dr. Yahya and his thorough comments. In this report we shall quote some excerpts related to Mecca and Medina from the second publication which was edited by Dr. Kareeb.

The masterpiece of two Iraqs:

Khaghani commenced his trip from Sharwan, and then he talked about Kahestan and robberies around it, and he added more about Kahestan’s castle and craftsmen in that vicinity. From there Khakany returned to Sharwan intending to visit Mecca, and in that effort he faces numerous difficulties.

One of those difficulties related to a stone of a ring given to him by Prime Minister “Jamal Al-Din Muhammad Al-Moosily”, Shah Sharwan ordered him to hand over that ring to him which caused him to be irritated and annoyed by that request! While he was in that agony he saw the Prophet Kither (pbuh) granting him another ring! The dialogue between Khakany and Prophet Kither (pbuh) was the most beautiful part of the masterpiece of two Iraqs.

After that dialogue Khakany started to explain his trip and talked about Baghdad and Tigris River and the city of caliphate. Then he went to the holy city of Najaf to visiting the holy shrine of Imam Ali (pbuh), he poetized some poems about desert and basin-shaped valley, in which he said:

Turn your face towards the desert and look to the meadow, and fulfill your promises which shall accompany you in the day after! Look at basin-shaped valley that has sea color and camels run through it like a boat! Who saw the sea in sorrow and who saw a boat in the desert?

Then Khakany described rendezvous for ihram (Mikat) saying:
You come to Mikat the rendezvous for the believers in Islam, if you are unaware of Hajj rituals ask the scholars!

More than that Khakany describes the conditions of God’s creatures saying:
Some of them in need to almighty God, and some of them are scholars of the religion.
Khakany talked about clemency mountain (Jabal Al-Rahmah) and said:
A dome Adam ascended it individually and then descended from it with his wife, its stones are pure gold and pure stone!

Regarding Masher Al-Hiram he said: An individual would get the reward of what he did in Arafat, and where prayers are accepted, in addition to that it is a sanctuary for those who want to get rid of their sins and wrongdoings!

More than that, Khakany described Masher Al-Hiram as the Day of Judgment, and nothing is allowed there except what relates to Hajj rituals and what angels repeat!
With regard to throwing pebbles, he said: From Masher Al-Hiram to the location of throwing pebbles where pilgrims throw Satan with pebbles, and in fact they throw their perpetual enemy!

With regard to the holy city of Mecca, Khakany described it as follows:
And from Mina to Mecca, to the second sanctuary after the Grand name of almighty God, whenever an individual sits under shades of Mecca as if he has reborn from the soil, for this particular reason pious people commence their activities by the name of almighty God, and those who are heading for Mecca repeat: In the name of God and Mecca!

Mecca’s status resembles the arc to the sky, and holy Kaaba is the axis!
Therefore, a man when looks to the magnificence of holy Kaaba and its sacredness and runs to it looks like a child that lost a toy, and around Kaaba, pilgrims circumambulate seven rounds, and Kaaba has four corners.

Then Khakany describes the black stone in the following way:
It looks like Bilal Al-Hibachi in its color, but from within there is a light that illuminates every where, and that golden stone is the essence of the religion and also a mole in the body of the holy Kaaba, people from all over the world rush to kiss this stone which shall remain as it is till the day of judgment, and when you leave the black stone you shall find Zam Zam Well in front of you.

Zam Zam Well:

It is a well located near the holy Kaaba, surrounded by numerous individuals, everybody is trying to taking down his bucket in it, which caused its aperture to become toothed due to countless ropes that carrying those buckets!

The golden gutter:

You see all the seas in the world as if they crystallized from dewdrops of this gutter, and for this reason the surface of orbit requires a golden gutter!

Safa and Marwa:

They are two big stones opposite each other, a pilgrim endeavors between them; he derives clearness from Safa, and beauty from Marwa! The two stones colors are the same as if they are twins born by one mother!


You shall see in omra the praiseworthy status, and shall obtain the desired perfection and wholeness, and omra is the last step in rituals and deeds.

Then Khakany said while he was talking to the great Kaaba:
Because of you the world calmed down and stabled, and because of you parts and atoms of the entire world crystallized. Your stones are the foundations for the eight sanctuaries, and your well is the sanctuary for the seven seas. Your stones derived from one hundred thousands good mines, and your body was created from one hundred thousands good souls. I see the life of all creatures from you, and I’m calling you!


The distance between Medina and Mecca is around ten days, and it is essentially the barricade of the world, God greeted Medina because it was the life of creatures and souls. Its seven galaxies are called the Khedive of the seven regions due to its magnificence. The epoch had placed meadows at the house of generosity, while allegiance didn’t have a place for its books. These meadows are the meadows of life, it is Medina!
Then Khakany praised the sacred shrine and soil of the grand Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)


Look at Mohammedan shrine; look at the court of the perpetual secret.
Its soil came from the fourth sky, and its nature from the immortal Christ.

Here Khakany talks to the grand Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):

How great your status is is, and how glorious your face is. You whom donation Wright away equals the two worlds’ expenses in one hundred years.
O you! Whom religion is a pillar for the seven heavens, and your instruction resurrected the dead people!

Khakany added:

I was in the country of ungrateful people, the arrogant, insulters and those who were stricken by ignorance, then I realized that reign (Welayah) of the progeny of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a must and need, for that particular reason I run from there seeking refuge at your steps and magnanimity, and the city of your followers and pals, therefore I was rescued from the atmosphere of greediness, drought, shortage and plague of soul and ego! I returned to the threshold of your door after I run away and abandon your door.
At the end, as long as Khakany is capable of talking he shall never stop praising and laud you almighty God!

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