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Supplications the Prophet taught to Ali

Supplications the Prophet taught to Ali

First Supplication:

One day, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) sent Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) to Yemen to invite the people there to monotheism and to embrace Islam. The people of Yemen turned Muslims at Imam Ali’s hand with no fight. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) supplied Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) with this holy supplication:
“O Allah, I turn to You with no trust from me in other than You, nor a hope taking me except to You, nor a power that I rely on, nor a means that I resort to except the seeking of Your favor, expecting of Your mercy, and the havening into the best of that which You have accustomed me to, and You are more aware of what has come to me before in my turning to You of what I like and hate; so in whatever You cast on me Your power, it is praiseworthy Your trial (on me) and clear Your decree in it, and You  efface what You will, and establish (what You will), and with You is the source of ordinance.

O Allah, avert from me the fates of every calamity, and the means of every hardship, and spread on me a shadow from Your mercy, vastness from Your favors, and a grace from Your pardon so that I do not like the hastening of what You have delayed nor the delaying of what You have hastened, that besides what I ask You to be my guardian to my family, children, and fellows as best as You be a guardian to any absent of the believers in keeping every honor, covering every sin, pardoning every disobedience, and repelling every affliction, and grant me for that the gratefulness to You, the remembrance of You, the good worshipping to You, and the satisfaction with Your decree of fate, O You the Guardian of the believers.

And make me, with all that You have entrusted me with and my children and what You have granted to me, be from the believing men and believing women who are in Your refuge that is not violated, in Your protection that is not assaulted, in Your neighboring that is not left, Your safeguard that is not broken, and in Your shelter that is not exposed, for whoever is in Your refuge, protection, neighboring, safeguard, and shelter will be safe and protected, and there is no power and strength except in Allah, the High, the Great.”[1]

Second Supplication:

From the supplications that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) had ta*ught to Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) is this one narrated by Anass bin Uways:

“O Allah, You are Allah, and You are the Beneficent, and You are the Merciful, the Sovereign, the Holy, the Giver of peace, the Granter of security, the Guardian, the Mighty, the Compeller, the Superb, the First, the Last, the Manifest, the Hidden, the Praised, the Glorious, the Beginner, the Restorer, the Loving, the Witness, the Ancient, the Highest, the Great, the Aware, the Truthful, the Compassionate, the Merciful, the Grateful, the Forgiver, the Wise, the Lord of power, the Firm, the Vigilant, the Great,  the Aware, the Rich, the Guardian, the Protector, the Lord of Majesty and Generosity, the Magnificent, the Aware, the Rich, the Guardian, the Judge, the Strainer, the Enlarger, the Just, the Loyal, the Guardian, the Truth, the Manifest, the Creator, the Bestower of sustenance, the Granter, the Forgiver, the Lord, the Trustee, the Kind, the Sustainer, the Bestower, the Lord, the Trustee, the Subtle, the Aware, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, the Rewarder of deeds, the Exalted, the Near, the Responder (to supplications), the Sender, the Heir, the Vast, the Everlasting, the Alive, the Existing that does not die, the Eternal, the Light, the Forgiver, the Unique, the Vanquisher, the One, the Eternal, the One who neither begets nor is He Begotten, and there is none like unto Him, the Possessor of might, the Powerful, the Aware of the unseen, the Originator, the Inventor, the Strainer, the Enlarger, the Caller, the Assistant, the Repeller,  the Harmful, the Benefiting, the Honorer, the Degrader, the Sustainer, the Giver, the Prominent, the Good-doer, the Kind, the Favorer, the Giver of life and death, the Doer of whatever He wills, the Master of the Kingdom; You give the kingdom to whomsoever You like, and take away the Kingdom from whomsoever You like, You exalt whomsoever You like and degrade whomsoever You like, in Your hands is all good, and surely You have power over all things. You cause the night to pass into the day and You cause the day to pass into the night, You bring forth the living out of the dead, and you bring forth the dead out of the living, and You give sustenance to whomsoever You like without measure.
(O You) the One Who causes dawn to break, Who causes the grain and the stone germinate. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

O my Lord! Whatever saying I have said, whatever oath I have taken, whatever vow I have vowed in this day of mine and this night; Your will is on all that, so that whatever You like may occur and whatever You do not like may not occur.

So avert (affliction) away from me by Your power and might as there is no might or power save in Allah, the High, the Great.

O Allah! By these attributes that are accepted to You, send blessings on Mohammad and on the Progeny of Muhammad and forgive me, have mercy on me, accept my repentance, accept my deeds, improve my conditions, ease for me my affairs, increase my sustenance, and make me, by the Honor of Your Face, in no need of all of Your people, and save my face, hand, and tongue from asking other than You, and make to me deliverance and escape in my affairs, as You know and I do not know, and You have Power and I do not, and You have power over all things; by Your mercy O most Merciful of all the merciful, and send blessings on Mohammad and on his progeny the good, the pure.”[2]

Third Supplication:

From the supplications that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) had taught to Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) is this one narrated by Uways al-Qurani:

“O Allah! I ask from You not from other than You, and I turn to You and not to any other than You. I ask from You, O You the security for the afraid, and the Protector of the seekers of protection; You are the Judge of all goodness, the Forgiver of slips, the Effacer of bad deeds, the Recorder of good deeds, the Exalter of degrees, I ask You by the best of all requests and the most successful that people should not ask except by them, and I ask You by You O Allah, O Beneficent, and by Your best attributes, highest examples, and by Your blessings that are uncountable, and by Your attributes that are noblest to You, most beloved to You, most honored in position near You, the nearest as means to You, the most in getting to destination, the promptest to You in response, and by Your stored, glorious and most glorious, great and greatest Name that You love and are pleased with and pleased with whoever supplicates You by it and You respond to his supplication, and it is certain that You do not prevent Your asker by it (from response), and by every Name that is for You in the Torah, the Bible, the Psalms, and the Criterion (Furqan), and by every Name that is for You which You have taught or not taught to any one from Your people, and by every Name by which the carriers of Your Throne, Your angels, and Your choices from Your people call upon You, and by the askers from You, the turners to You, the seekers of Your protection, and by the suppliants to You, and by every servant who worships You in a land, in a sea, in a plain, or in a mountain, I supplicate You with a supplication of one whose neediness has become so heavy, whose sin so great, who has put his self to perishment, whose power has become so weak, who does not trust in anything of his deeds, nor does he find to his sin a forgiver but You, nor to his effort a refuge but You. I have escaped from You to You confessing and not disdaining, and not being haughty before worshipping You.

O You, the comfort of every resorting poor, I ask You that You are Allah that there is no god but You, the Compassionate, the Favorer, the Inventor of the heavens and the earth, the Possessor of glory and generosity, the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Beneficent, the Merciful; You are the Lord and I am the servant, You are the owner and I am the owned, You are the Mighty and I am low, You are the Rich and I am poor, You are the Alive and I am dead, You are the Immortal and I am mortal, You are the Good-doer and I am the bad doer, You are the Forgiver and I am sinful, You are the Merciful and I am the fallible, You are the Creator and I am the creature, You are the Powerful and I am weak, You are the Giver and I am the beggar, You are the Securer and I am afraid, You are the Sustainer and I am the sustained one, and You are the only One deserving that I complain to Him, ask for His help, and wish from Him, because how many sinful ones there are that You have forgiven and how many mistakers there are that You have pardoned, so pardon me, have mercy on me, relieve me from what has afflicted me, do not expose me with what I have committed against myself, take my hand (guide me), and the hands of my parents and children, and have mercy on us by Your mercy, O the One of Majesty and Generosity.”[3]   

Fourth Supplication

From the other supplications that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) had taught to Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) is this one:

“All praise is due to Allah. There is no god but He, the King, the Truth, the Manifest, the Administrator without any minister and without consultation with any of his slaves. He is the First, who cannot be described, and the Eternal after the annihilation of all creatures. He is the greatest in Lordship, the Light of the heavens and the earths, and the Creator and Inventor of them out of nothing.

With no pillar He created both of them and opened them apart. So the heavens stood stable in obedience to His commandment and the earths became fixed on the surface of the water with their pegs. Then our Lord rose high in the highest heavens, the Beneficent on the Throne He sat.

Everything that is in the heaven and in the earth and in between them and what is below the earth is to Him. So, I bear witness that verily You are Allah. There is none to elevate what You have lowered and no one to exalt him whom You leaves in disgrace and no one to bring into disgrace him whom You exalts and no one to prevent what You give and no one to give what You withhold. You are Allah, there is no god but You.

You have existed when there was neither built sky nor broad earth nor brilliant sun nor dark night, nor bright day, nor deep sea, nor firm mountain, nor moving star, nor shining moon, nor blowing wind, nor raining cloud, nor flashing lightning, nor glorifying thunder, nor breathing soul, nor flying bird, nor blazing fire, nor flowing water. You existed before the existence of everything and You created everything and controlled everything and originated everything.

You enriched some and reduced others to poverty, caused some to die and brought others to life, and made some people glad and others weep, and then You mounted the Throne. O Allah, You are Blessed and Supreme. You are Allah that there is no god other than You. You are the Creator, the Supporter. Your Decree is overpowering and Your Knowledge is irrefutable. Your plan is wonderful, Your promise is true, Your word is right, Your judgment is just, Your saying is right guidance, Your Revelation is light, Your mercy is vast, Your pardon is great, Your grace is excessive, Your gift is abundant, Your cord is strong, Your might is ever-ready, the resorter to You is honored, Your punishment is severe, and Your plotting is cunning.

O Lord! You are the place of every complaint, You are present in every gathering, the Witness of every secret, and the ultimate goal of every need, the Dispeller of every sorrow, the Affluence of every needy person, the fort for every refugee, the security for every afraid one, a shield for the weak, a treasure for the poor, the Deliverer of griefs, the helper of the virtuous; such is Allah, our Lord, there is no god but He.

You suffice from Your servants whoever relies on You, and You are the Protector of whoever resorts to You and beseeches You. You are the shield for whoever seeks refuge with You, the supporter of whoever seeks You support. You forgive the sins of whoever seeks Your forgiveness.

Your are the Powerful One of the powerful, the greatest of the great, the Master of masters, the Lord of lords, the Guardian of guardians, the Helper of those crying for help, the Reliever of the distressed, the best of all listeners, the best of all seers, the best of all judges, the quickest of all reckoners, the most Merciful of the merciful, the best of all forgivers, the Satisfier of the needs of the faithful, and the Assistant of the virtuous.

You are Allah, there is no god but You the Lord of the worlds. You are the Creator and I am the creature. You are the Master and I am the servant. You are the Lord and I am a slave. You are the Provider and I am provided. You are the Giver and I am a beggar, You are the Generous and I am a miser. You are the Mighty and I am weak.

You are the Noble and I am humble. You are the Rich and I am needy. You are the Master am I am the slave. You are the Forgiver and I am sinful. You are the Omniscient and I am ignorant. You are the Forbearing and I am hasty. You are the All-Merciful and I am mercified. You are the Curer and I am sick.

You are the Responder and I am distressed. And I bear witness that verily You are Allah, there is no god but You, the Giver to Your servants (even) with no request (from them), and I bear witness that verily You are Allah, the One, the Peerless, the Unique, the Independent, the Single, and to you we must return. O Allah, have blessings upon Muhammad and his family the holy and pure, and forgive my sins, keep my faults concealed, and extend to me from You mercy and bounteous sustenance O the most Merciful of the merciful!

All praise is due to Allah the Lord of the worlds, and Allah is Sufficient to us and is the best Reliable, and there is no might and power save in Allah the Exalted, the Great.”[4] 

Fifth Supplication:

This is another supplication taught by the Prophet (p.b.u.h) to Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) to supplicate Allah with it at Iftar (the breaking of fasting):

“O Allah the Lord of the Great Light, the Lord of the Sublime Throne, the Lord of the Swelling Sea, the Lord of the Big Shaf’ (the day of Eid ul-Adha) and the Honored Light, and the Lord of the Torah, the Bible, the Psalms, and great Criterion (Furqan).

You are God in the heavens and God in the earth, and there is no god in them other than You. You are Mighty in the heavens and Mighty in the earth, and there is no mighty one in them other than You. You are King in the heavens and King in the earth, and there is no king in them other than You.

I ask You by Your Great Name, by the Light of Your Holy Face, and Your Ancient Kingdom, O You Ever-Living, Eternal, Ever-living, Eternal, and by Your Name by which the heavens and the earth have shone, and Your Name by which the first people had been righteous and by which the last people become righteous.

O You the Alive One before everything alive, and the Alive One after everything alive, O You the Alive One, there is no god but You; have blessings on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad and forgive my sins and make to me in my affairs ease and near deliverance and fix me on the religion of Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and on the guidance of Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and on the Sunna of Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, peace be on him and on them, and make my deeds from among the accepted and highly raised deeds, and grant to me as You have granted to Your saints and the people of Your obedience, for I believe in You, rely on You, turn to You, and my coming is to You, and gather to me and to my family the whole goodness, and keep away from me, from my parents, from my family, and from my children the whole evil; You are the Kind, the Favorer, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, You give goodness to whomever You like and withhold it from whomever You like, so bestow on me Your mercy, O You the most Merciful of the merciful.”[5]

Notes :

[1] Encyclopedia of Imam Ameerul Mo'minin Ali bin Abi Talib, vol. 4 p. 292-293.
[2] Encyclopedia of Imam Ameerul Mo'minin Ali bin Abi Talib, vol. 4 p. 292-293.
[3] Encyclopedia of Imam Ameerul Mo'minin Ali bin Abi Talib, vol. 4 p. 296-297.
[4] Encyclopedia of Imam Ameerul Mo'minin Ali bin Abi Talib, vol. 4 p. 289-300.
[5] Encyclopedia of Imam Ameerul Mo'minin Ali bin Abi Talib, vol. 4 p. 301-302.

Taken from : The Life of Muhammad The Greatest Liberator The Holiest Prophet ,Author: Allama Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi ,Translator: Abdullah al-Shahin

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