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Words of Light

Words of Light


A good collection of maxims and wonderful words on different social and educational issues were transmitted from Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) and considered from the treasures of the Islamic literature. Here we present to readers some of the imam’s wonderful sayings:

The Preference Of The Ahlul Bayt (AS)

Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) said,
“We have ascended the tops of facts by the feet of prophethood and guardianship, and lit the seven ways with the banners of magnanimity. We are lions of battles, sources of generosity. Sword and pen are among us now, and the banner of praise and knowledge later on.

Our grandsons are the successors of religion, allies of certainty, lamps of nations, and the keys of generosity. A generous one has put on the garment of choice for loyalty that we have known in him, and the Holy Spirit in the Heavens, and he tasted from our gardens early fruits. Our Shia are the rescued party, and the pure group. They have been as dress and protection for us, and assistance against oppressors…Springs of life will gush out for them after flames of Fire…and all bad years…’

Sheikh al-Majlisi commented on this word by saying, ‘This is absolute wisdom, and an ample blessing that deaf ears can hear and high mountains shake for. Peace and blessings of Allah be on them…’[1]

The imams of the Ahlul Bayt (AS) had a very high position near Allah Who had endowed them with virtues and knowledge that no one of the human beings other than them had ever been endowed with. Allah had made them the guides to His contentment, and the leaders to His obedience. They all were and are lamps to nations and keys of generosity in this life, and in the afterlife they will be the intercessors and bearers of the banner of Hamd (praise), and Allah has given them the Highest Paradise.

His Recommendation To His Adherents

Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) preached and advised his Shia by saying,
“I recommend you to fear Allah, be pious in your religion, strive for Allah, be truthful in speaking, give deposit back to its owner good or bad he is, increase prostration, and to be good to neighbors.

By these (principles) Muhammad (AS) came with his mission. Associate with your kin, attend their funerals, visit their sick, and carry out their rights, for if anyone of you is pious in his religion, truthful in his speech, he gives deposit back to its owner, and treats people kindly, it shall be said about him: “this is a Shia”, and this shall please me.

Fear Allah, be good and do not be bad! Attract every love to us, and keep any obscenity away from us, because whatever good is said about us we deserve it, and whatever bad is said about us is not in us. We have a right in the Book of Allah, kinship to the messenger of Allah, and purification from Allah that no one other than us claims but a liar. Mention Allah too much and remember death!

Recite the Qur'an and send peace and blessings on the Prophet (AS), because the sending of blessings on the Prophet (AS) has ten good deeds. Keep in mind what I have recommended you! I pray Allah to protect you (I farewell you), and send peace on you.’[2]

A Valuable Advice

Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) said,
“Avoid begging people as long as you can tolerate, for every day has a new goodness. Insisting on asking others deprives one of his gravity except when a door may be opened to you for a good entrance. And how near slapping is to a rash one! Jealousy might be a kind of the manners of Allah the Almighty.

Lucks have degrees, so do not hasten towards a fruit that it is not ripe yet because it is got at its time! He, Who manages your affairs, is more aware of the time that is good for you. Trust in His experience in your affairs and do not hurry for your needs at the beginning of your time and then your heart may be distressed and despair may overcome you!

Know that coyness has a certain extent and if it exceeds, it shall turn to weakness, generosity has a certain extent and if it exceeds, it shall be wasting, economy has a certain extent and if it exceeds, it shall be stinginess, and courage has a certain extent and if it exceeds, it shall be recklessness…’[3]


Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) often and always advised his companions, reminded them of the afterlife, and warned them against the sedition and deception of the worldly life. Once, he said, “You are in short lives, and few days, and death comes unexpectedly. Whoever sows good shall harvest happiness, and whoever sows evil shall harvest regret. Every sower shall get what he has sowed. No slow one is preceded by his luck, and no careful one gets what has not been determined for him. Whoever is given good, Allah has given him that, and whoever is saved from an evil Allah has saved him from it.’[4]

Pondering On Allah

Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) said,
“Worship is not the abundant fasting and praying, but worship is the abundant pondering; it is the continuous thinking of Allah.’[5]
In his traditions, the imam established the bases of the faith in Allah, and the most important one of which was the thinking of Allah, and pondering on His wonderful creation because that would lead man to the absolute faith in Allah, the Great Creator.

Wisdom Of Fasting

Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) said, ‘Allah has imposed fasting so that the wealthy might suffer hunger and be kind to the poor.’[6]

Dispraising The Hypocrites

Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) said, ‘What a bad man he is who has two faces and two tongues! He praises his brother when he is present and eats his flesh (backbites him) when he is absent. He envies him if he is given (becomes in good state), and betrays him if he is afflicted.’[7] 

Pious And Impious

Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) said, ‘The love of the pious to the pious is a virtue for the pious, the hatred of the impious towards the pious is a merit for the pious, and the hatred of the pious towards the impious is disgrace for the impious.’[8]

Notes :

[1] Bihar al-Anwar, vol.78 p.338.
[2] Bihar al-Anwar, vol.78 p.372.
[3] Nuzhat an-Nadhir, p.50-51.
[4] Bihar al-Anwar, vol.78 p.338.
[5] Ibid., p.373.
[6] Kashf al-Ghummah, vol.3 p.193, Man La Yahdhuruhu al-Faqih, vol.2 p.43.
[7] Bihar al-Anwar, vol.78 p.373.
[8] Al-Majalis as-Saniyyah, vol.2 p.663.

Taken from : The Life Of Imam Al-Hasan Al-Askari Study And Analysis By: Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi Translation by: Abdullah al-Shahin

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