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Lady Fatima, the Night of Power

Lady Fatima, the Night of Power

Lady Fatima, one of the purest of women in all of the earth

Little will we ever know about her true worth

The Prophet (pbuh) called her Umme Abiha, the mother of her father not any ordinary father, a father who got closer than any other to his Creator

so, how well do u think u know her?


she’s like the night of power, laylatul qadr

the unknown treasure that is greater than alfi shahr

whose blessings rein down on believers till the time of fajr


one night in the year, hidden from plain sight

like her grave, still a secret, filled with heavenly light

we may not have a shrine to pay her a visit

but listen, her shrine is in our very spirit

I bear witness, the Lady Fatima,


The lady whose light shines so bright

Time is no barrier to her glowing light

She’s greater than u can imagine

Greater than u can fathom

Greater than these words spoken from a sinning servant

Lady Fatima, will u grant us your intercession?


For the sake of your unborn child who was crushed behind the door

struck by the tyrants as you lay there on the floor

A great oppression that is yet to be answered for

A great oppression for which many tears will continually pour


I heard the narration from your father,

Where he narrates that you will enter the mahshar

And those who loved you will be asked to come forward

With lowered gazes will I crawl to your light

From miles behind those who gave up their lives to fight for what is right the martyrs who fought on the front lines,

with your name in their hearts enshrined


Lady Fatima the gracious

Lady Fatima the veracious

Lady Fatima the purified

Lady Fatima the glorified


Lady Fatima Zahra, al Batoul, at-Tahirah

Lady Fatima, the martyr of wilayah

Lady Fatima, the pure daughter of Taha

Lady Fatima, the mother of the one slaughtered thirsty in nainawah

Lady Fatima, the mother of the brave Zainab al Kubra


Peace be upon you Lady Fatima

Peace be upon you Lady Fatima



Poem written by: Mohamed Naqi

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