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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words The Holy Qur'an English Translation The Thunder (ar-Ra’d) -13

The Thunder (ar-Ra’d) -13


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 13
13 Ar-Ra‘d (The Thunder)

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Alif, Lam, Mim, Ra. These are the verses of the Book, and that which has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, but most people do not believe.
2. God it is Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you see, then firmly established Himself on the Throne (of absolute authority), and made the sun and the moon subservient (to His Will); each runs its course to a time appointed (for it); He regulates the affair. He explains the signs so that you may be certain about meeting your Lord.
3. He it is Who spread out the earth and made in it firm mountains and flowing rivers; and of all fruits. He has made in it in pairs, two (male and female) kinds; He causes the night to enshroud the day; verily in this there are signs for people who reflect.
4. In the earth are tracts, side by side, and gardens of vine, corn fields, and palm trees having one root and (others) having many, (although) they are all watered with one (and the same) water. Yet some We make more excellent than others in taste. Verily in this there are signs for people who understand.
5. If you wonder, then wondrous is their saying: “When we are dust, would we then surely be (returned) in a new creation?” These are they who disbelieve in their Lord, and these shall have collars (of servitude) around their necks, and they are the companions of the Fire, in it shall they forever abide.
6. They ask you to hasten on the evil (chastisement) before the good, and (although) indeed exemplary punishments have come to pass before them. Your Lord is indeed the Lord of forgiveness to people despite their injustice; verily your Lord is severe in requital.
7. Those who disbelieve say: “Why has no sign been revealed to him (Muhammad) from his Lord?” Verily you are a warner and a guide to every nation.
8. God knows what every female bears, and that which the wombs fall short (of completion), and that in which they increase; and of everything (there is) with Him a measure,
9. Knower of the unseen and the seen, the great, the Most Sublime.
10. Alike (to him) among you is he who conceals (his) speech or speaks aloud, and he who hides himself by night and goes forth by day.
11. For him there are (angels) following one another, before him and behind him, guarding him by God’s command; verily God does not change the condition of people until they change what is in themselves; when God decrees to punish any people, there is none to repel His punishment; there is none besides Him to protect.
12. He it is Who shows you the lightning causing fear and hope, and He raises the laden clouds.
13. Thunder glorifies Him with praise, and the angels too in awe for Him; and He sends the thunderbolts and smites with them whomsoever He wills; and yet they dispute concerning God while He is Mighty in prowess!
14. To Him (alone) the true prayer is due, and those to whom they pray besides Him give no answer, yet (they are) like one who stretches his two hands to water that it may reach his mouth, but it will not reach it, and the prayer of the infidels does nothing but goes far astray.
15. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth prostrate to God (alone) willingly or by constraint; so do their shadows also at morn and in the eve.
16. Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad): “Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?” Say: “God!” Say: “Do you still take guardians besides Him that can do neither benefit nor harm to their own selves?” Say: “Are the blind and the seeing alike? Or can darkness and light be akin? Or have they made partners to God who have created (any) creation like His, so that what is created has become confused to them?” Say: “God (alone) is the Creator of all things, and He is the (only) One, the all-Dominant, the Almighty.”
17. He sends down water from the heavens, then the valleys flow according to their measure, and the torrent bears along the swelling foam, (mounting to the surface); and a scum like it arises from what they melt in the fire for the sake of (making) ornaments or (necessary) implements. Thus does God compare truth and falsehood. Then as for the scum, it passes away as a worthless thing; as for that which benefits people, then it remains in the earth. Thus does God set forth parables -
18. For those who respond to (the call of) their Lord are good things; (as for) those who do not respond to Him, even if they had all that is in the earth and the like thereof with it, they would certainly offer it for a ransom; for them shall be a terrible reckoning, and their abode is Hell, and what a wretched resting place it will be!
19. Is then he who knows that which has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth like him who is blind? Will only those endowed with understanding bear it in mind?
20. Those who fulfill the covenant of God and do not break their pledge,
21. Those who join together what God has bidden to be joined, fear their Lord, and dread the terrible reckoning,
22. Those who are patient, seeking the pleasure of their Lord, establishing prayer, spending (benevolently) of what We have provided them with, secretly and openly, and warding off evil with good deeds; for these is the (happy) attainment of the eternal abode,
23. The garden of perpetual bliss which they will enter, and also the righteous among their parents, spouses, and offspring; and the angels shall enter unto them from every portal,
24. (Saying): “Peace be unto you for what you patiently persevered! (And now) how excellent the sequel of the eternal abode is!”
25. Those who break the covenant with God after it is pledged, and rend asunder what God has bidden to be joined, and make mischief in the land, theirs shall be the curse, and theirs shall be the terrible abode.
26. God grants abundant sustenance to whomsoever He pleases, and straitens it (similarly). They rejoice in the life of this world as against the hereafter, but (only some) means (of temporary enjoyment).
27. Those who disbelieve say: “Why is no sign revealed to him from his Lord?” Say: “Verily God leaves to stray whomsoever He wills, and He guides to Himself whomsoever turns to Him (seeking His Way).”
28. The hearts of those who believe are set at rest through remembering God; certainly through remembering God (only) are hearts set at ease.
29. (For) those who believe and do good deeds a great bliss shall be theirs, and a beautiful place of return.
30. Thus did We send you (O Our Messenger Muhammad) to people before whom other people have passed away, that you might recite to them (the Qur’an) which We have revealed to you while they deny the Beneficent (God). Say: “He is my Lord; there is no god but He; on Him (only) do I rely, and to Him (alone) is my return.”
31. Even if there were a Qur’an by which the mountains were made to move, or the earth cloven asunder, or the dead made to speak thereby; nay! The command is wholly God’s. Do not those who believe yet know that if God willed, He would certainly guide all people? Those who disbelieve, it will not cease to strike them for what they do, a torment, or it will settle close to their abodes, until the promise of God comes to pass; verily God does not fail His promise.
32. Indeed the messengers before you were ridiculed, but I gave a respite to those who disbelieved, then I seized them. How then was My requital?
33. Is He then who stands (presently) over every soul (and knows) what it does (like one who does not)? Yet they ascribe partners to God! Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad): “Name them!” Is it that you inform Him of what He does not know on earth, or is it (just) a show of words? Nay! But their contrivance is made to appear fair seeming to those who disbelieve, and they are kept back (thereby) from the (right) Path; and whom He (God) leaves to stray, for him there shall be no guide.
34. For them is a torment in the life of this world, and surely the torment of the hereafter is more grievous, and for them there shall be no protector against God.
35. The similitude of the Garden (of bliss) promised to the righteous is that rivers flow beneath it; its fruits are everlasting, and its shade too. This is the requital of those who guard (themselves) against evil, and the requital of the disbelievers is the Fire.
36. Those to whom We have given the Book rejoice at what has been revealed to you, and of the clans are some who deny a part thereof. Say: “Verily, I am commanded that I should serve (only) God; I associate none with Him; I only invite you (all) and to Him (only) is my return.”
37. Thus have We sent it (Qur’an, a true) authority in Arabic, and if you follow their (vain) desires after what has come to you of the knowledge, there shall be none for you besides God for a guardian or protector.
38. Indeed We sent messengers before you and We appointed for them wives and offspring, and it is not for a messenger to bring a sign (miracle) but by God’s permission; for every term there is a prescribed Book.
39. God effaces (of it) whatever He pleases and (similarly) confirms (what he wills); with Him is the mother (basic source) of the Book.
40. We will either show you a part of what We promised them, or take your soul to Ourselves (it makes no difference), for verily on you is (incumbent) to deliver the Message, and on Us is calling them to account.
41. Do not they see that We come unto their land and (gradually) reduce its borders? God pronounces a doom; there is none to reverse His command, and He is swift in reckoning.
42. Indeed those before them devised plots, but God’s is all planning; He knows what every soul earns and soon will the disbelievers know to whom the sequel of the eternal abode belongs.
43. Those who disbelieve say: “You are not sent (by God).” Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad): “God, and those who are endowed with the knowledge of the Book, suffice for witnesses between me and you.”

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