
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Luqman -31


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 31
31 Luqman

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Alif, Lam, Mim.
2. These are the verses of the Book of Wisdom,
3. A guidance and a mercy for the righteous,
4. Who establish prayer and pay zakat, having no doubt about the hereafter;
5. These are the ones who are on the right guidance of their Lord, and they are the ones that shall succeed.
6. Among the people there is one who buys vain talk to lead others astray from the path of God without knowledge, mocking thereat; awaiting these is a disgracing chastisement.
7. When Our signs are recited unto them, they turn back puffed up as if they had not heard them, as if heaviness is in their ears; so, convey the tidings of the painful chastisement.
8. Verily, for those who believe and do good deeds shall be the gardens of bliss,
9. Dwelling therein eternally, a true promise from God; He is the Almighty, the all-Wise.
10. He created the heavens without pillars as you behold them, and He cast mountains upon the earth lest it should shake with you, and He spread in it of every kind of animals; We sent down water from the skies, then We caused vegetation to grow therein of every noble kind.
11. Such is the creation of God; show me what those besides Him have created. Nay! The unjust are in manifest straying.
12. Indeed, We granted Luqman wisdom saying: “Be grateful to God, for whoever is grateful is indeed grateful for his own self, and whoever is ungrateful, God is surely self-Sufficient, Most Praised.”
13. Luqman, exhorting his son, said: “O son! Do not associate aught with God, for verily associating aught with God is the greatest iniquity.”
14. And We enjoined man concerning his parents; his mother bore him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning in two years, saying: “Be grateful unto Me and unto your parents; to Me is the ultimate return.
15. “Should they pressure you to associate (any) with Me of which you have no knowledge, then do not obey them but consort them kindly in this world, and follow the path of that who turns to Me (penitent); to Me is your return, and I will then inform you of what you were doing.”
16. “O son! Verily even if a mustard seed is (enclosed) in a rock, in the heavens, or in the earth, God shall bring it forth to light; verily, God is all-Subtle, all-Aware.
17. “O son! Establish prayer, enjoin goodness, and forbid evil; be patient against what befalls you; verily this is the task of steadfastness.
18. “Do not turn your face to people (in scorn), nor should you walk exultingly; verily, God does not love a self-conceited braggart.
19. “Be moderate in your gait, and lower your voice; indeed the most unpleasing of voices is the braying of donkeys.”
20. Have you not seen how God has made all that is in the heavens and the earth subservient, and completed upon you His bounties both apparent and hidden? Yet among people is that who disputes about God even without knowledge or guidance or an illuminating book.
21. When it is said to them: “Follow what God has sent down,” they say: “Nay! We rather follow that which we found our fathers doing.” Even if Satan beckons them to a chastisement of the blazing Fire?
22. Whosoever sets his face in submission to God, doing good deeds, indeed he has then laid hold on a most firm handhold, and to God is the end of all affairs.
23. Let not the disbelief of a disbeliever grieve you; to Us is their (ultimate) return, and We will then inform them of what they used to do; verily God well-knows what is in their hearts.
24. We provide them to enjoy a little, then We shall drive them to a severe chastisement.
25. If you ask them: “Who created the heavens and the earth?” they would certainly say: “God.” Say: “(All) praise be to God!” Nay! Most of them do not know.
26. God’s is whatever in the heavens and the earth; verily God is self-Sufficient, Most Praised.
27. Had all the trees on earth been turned pens, and the sea multiplied seven seas of ink, yet they will not exhaust the Words of God; verily God is Almighty, all-Wise.
28. Neither your creation, nor your resurrection, is any but as a single soul; verily God is all-Hearing, all-Seeing.
29. Do you not see that God causes the night to pass into the day, and the day to pass into the night, and He has made the sun and the moon subservient, each passing an appointed term? God is all-Aware of all what you do.
30. It is so because God is the Truth, and what they call upon besides Him is falsehood; God is He, the most Sublime, the most Great.
31. Do you not see how the ships sail onto the sea by the favour of God, that He may show you (some) of His signs? Verily in this are signs for everyone steadfast, grateful.
32. When a wave like mountains covers them, they call unto God in sincere devotion; but when He brings them safe to land, some of them halt between right and wrong; none dispute about Our signs except the perfidious, the ungrateful.
33. O people! Guard yourselves against (the Wrath of) your Lord, and dread the Day when (even) a father cannot avail his son, nor a child avails its father; verily the promise of God is true; so, let not the life in this world beguile you, nor let the deceiver deceive you concerning God.
34. Verily, God is He Who has the knowledge of the Hour; He sends rain down and knows what is in the wombs; no soul knows what it shall earn in the morrow, and no soul knows in what land it shall die; verily God is all-Knowing, all-Aware.

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