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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words The Holy Qur'an English Translation The Confederates (al-Ahzab) -33

The Confederates (al-Ahzab) -33


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 33
33 Al-Ahzab

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In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. O Our Prophet (Muhammad)! Fear God (alone) and do not obey the disbelievers and hypocrites; verily God is all-Knowing, all-Wise.
2. And follow what is revealed unto you from your Lord; verily God is all-Aware of what you do.
3. And rely on God (alone), for God is sufficient Protector.
4. God has never made two hearts in the breast of any man, nor has He made your wives, whom you declare to be your mothers, as your mothers, nor has He made those whom you call your sons as your sons; these are mere words of your mouths, and God speaks the truth and He guides to the (Right) Path.
5. Call them after their fathers, this is more just with God, but if you do not know their fathers, then they are your brethren in Faith and friends. It shall not be a crime upon you concerning that in which you commit error, but that which you do with the intent of your heart, and God is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
6. The Prophet (Muhammad) has a greater claim unto the believers than they have on their own selves, and his wives are (as) their mothers, and blood-relations have a better claim regarding one to the other according to the Book of God than the believers and emigrants, save that you do some good to your friends. Thus is the decree (of God) written.
7. Behold! We took a Covenant from the Prophets and from you, from Noah and Abraham, Moses and Jesus son of Mary, and We took from them a firm Covenant,
8. That He may question the truthful of their truth, and He has prepared for the disbelievers a painful chastisement.
9. O you who believe! Remember the bounty of God unto you when the hosts came upon you, then We sent upon them a strong wind and hosts that you did not see, and God sees all what you do.
10. They came upon you from above you and from below, and the eyes were turned dull, and the throats reached the hearts, and you even imagined about God diverse thoughts.
11. There, the believers were tried and shaken tremendously.
12. The hypocrites, and those in whose hearts was a disease, began to say: “God and His Messenger did not promise us but a deception.”
13. A party among them said: “O people of Yathrib! There is no place for you to stand; so, return,” and a party of them asked permission of the Prophet saying: “Verily our houses are exposed (to deterioration),” they were not indeed exposed (to deterioration); they only intended to flee away.
14. Had the entry been made upon them from all sides, and had they been incited to treachery, they would certainly have brought it to pass only if they stayed a while longer.
15. Indeed they had made a Covenant with God before, that they would not turn their backs, and their Covenant with God shall be questioned. Say: “Never shall your flight benefit you if you flee away from death or slaughter, and even then, you will not be allowed to enjoy yourselves but only for a short while.”
16. Say: “Who is he that can screen you from God if He intends to harm you, or to be merciful unto you?” And they will find for themselves no other guardian or helper besides God.
17. Say: “Who is he that can screen you from God if He intends to punish you, or be merciful unto you?” They will then find neither guardian nor helper besides God.
18. Indeed, God knows those who hinder others among you and those who say to their brethren: “Come hither to us,” and they do not go to fight but for a short while.
19. Being niggardly to you, but when fear approaches them, you find them looking to you; their eyes rolling like one on whom death has cast its shadow, and when fear passes away, they smite you with sharp tongues, being niggardly of the good things; these have not believed at all; so, God has made their deeds vain, and this is easy for God.
20. They think the allies have not gone. Should the clans come (again), they would fain be dwelling with the wandering Arabs in the desert, seeking news about you. Had they been amidst you, they would have fought you save for a short while.
21. Indeed, there is for you in the Messenger of God (Muhammad) an excellent pattern of conduct for him who places his hope in God and the latter day and remembers God much.
22. And when the believers saw the allies, they said: “This is what God and His Messenger promised us; God and His Messenger had spoken the truth,” and it increased their faith and supplication.
23. Among the believes are men who are true to their covenant with God; of them is he who has fulfilled his vow, and of them is he who awaits it, and they have not changed in the least,
24. That God may recompense the truthful for their truthfulness and chastise the hypocrites if He wills, or turn to them (Mercifully); verily God is oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful.
25. God turned back those who disbelieve in their rage; they reaped no benefit, and God suffices the believers in their fighting, for God is Almighty, omni-Potent.
26. He drove down those of the people of the Book who backed them from their fortresses, and He cast an awe into their hearts; some you killed and others you took captive.
27. He made you inherit their land, dwellings and possessions, and a land where you have never set your foot in, and God has power over all things.
28. O Our Prophet (Muhammad)! Say to your wives: “If you desire (to enjoy) the life of this world, and its adornment, come then so I provide for you and allow you to depart on good terms.
29. “And if you desire God and His Messenger and the abode in the hereafter, then verily God has prepared for the righteous among you a great reward.”
30. O wives of the Prophet! Whosoever among you commits an open indecency, her chastisement shall be doubled, and this is easy for God.
31. And whoever of you is obedient to God and His Messenger, and does good deeds, We will grant her twice her recompense, and We have prepared for her an honourable sustenance.
32. O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women if you guard yourselves against evil, and be not soft in (your) speech lest that in whose heart is a disease should feel lust for you, and speak plainly.
33. Stay in your abodes, and do not display your finery like the display of the days of ignorance of yore; establish prayer; pay zakat, and obey God and His Messenger; verily God intends but to keep off from you (every kind of) abomination, O you People of the (Prophet’s) Household (Ahl al-Bayt) and purify you with a perfect purification.
34. And remember what is recited in your abodes of the signs of God and the wisdom; verily God is Benignant, all-Aware.
35. Indeed, God prepared forgiveness and a great recompense for Muslim men and women, believing men and women, obedient men and women, truthful men and women, patient men and women, humble men and women, alm-giving men and women, fasting men and women, men and women who safeguard their chastity, men who remember God much and women who remember God much.
36. It is not for a believing man or woman to have any choice in their affair when God and His Messenger have (already) decided a matter; whoever disobeys God and His Messenger indeed has strayed off a manifest straying.
37. When you said to the one upon whom God has bestowed His bounty, and to whom you have shown favour: “Retain your wife, and fear God,” you did, indeed, hide in yourself that which God would (eventually) bring to light, and you feared people while God has a greater right that you should fear Him. But when Zayd concluded his concern with her, We joined her (in wedlock) as your wife, so that there should be no difficulty for the believers concerning the wives of their adopted sons, when they have concluded their concerns with them, and the command of God shall be carried out.
38. On the Prophet there is no blame in doing what was ordained by God unto him, and such has been the Way of God with those who have passed before, and the behest of God is a decree irrevocable.
39. Those who convey the Message of God and fear Him, and fear none but Him, God suffices to take their account.
40. Muhammad is never the father of any of your men, but a Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets, and God ever knows all things.
41. O you who believe! Remember God most frequently,
42. And glorify Him in the morn and the eve;
43. He it is Who confers upon you His blessings and the angels, that He may bring you forth from the darkness into the light, and He is to the believers all-Merciful.
44. Their greetings on the Day when they meet Him shall be: “Peace!” and He has prepared for them an honourable reward.
45. O Our Prophet (Muhammad)! Verily We have sent you as a Witness, a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner,
46. And the one who invites to God by His command, and an illuminating lamp.
47. Convey the glad tidings to the believers that there shall be a great grace for them from God.
48. Do not comply with the infidels and hypocrites; do not heed their annoying talk, and rely on God; God is sufficient as (your) Protector.
49. O you who believe! When you wed the believing women, then you divorce them before touching them, there is no iddat (term) on them which you should reckon; so, make some provisions for them and send them away in a gracious manner.
50. O Our Prophet (Muhammad)! Verily We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses out of those whom God returns to you (without war), and the daughters of your paternal uncles, the daughters of your paternal aunts, the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who fled with you, a believing woman if she gives herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet desires to wed her, especially for you other than the (rest of) believers; indeed We know what We have ordained for them about their wives and those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame may be attached to you, and God is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
51. You may defer whom you please of them, and you may take to yourself whom you please, and whom you desire of those whom you have set aside, no blame shall be on you; this is nearer to giving them the joy of their eyes, that they may not grieve, and that they all be pleased with what you give them; God knows what is in your heart; God is all-Knowing, most Patient.
52. It is not allowed to take women afterwards, nor should you change them for other wives, though their beauty may charm you, save what your right hand possesses, and God is watchful over all things.
53. O you who believe! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet unless it is permitted to you for a meal, without waiting till the meal is served, but when you are invited, enter, and when you have taken the food, disperse without seeking any familiar talk; verily this annoys the Prophet. Indeed he is too shy to dismiss you, but God is never too shy of the truth, and if you ask them for any goods, ask them from behind the curtain; thus is purer for your hearts and theirs. It is not right for you to annoy the Messenger of God, nor should you ever wed his wives after him; verily this is grievous in the sight of God.
54. If you manifest anything or hide it, verily God is well-Aware of all things.
55. There is no blame on them regarding their fathers, nor their sons, nor their brothers, nor their brothers’ sons, nor their sisters’ sons, nor their own women, nor of what their right hands possess; fear God! Verily God is a witness on all things.
56. Verily God and His angels bless the Prophet! O you who believe, send blessings unto him and greet him with a salutation worthy of respect.
57. Verily those who annoy God and His Messenger (Muhammad), God has cursed them in this world and the hereafter, and He has prepared for them a disgraceful torment.
58. And those who annoy believing men and women without having committed anything wrong, indeed they bear the guilt of slander and a manifest sin.
59. O (Our) Prophet (Muhammad)! Tell your wives and daughters, and believing women, to let their garments down to cover them, lest they should be known and troubled; God is oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful.
60. If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts there is a diseases, and the agitators in the city, do not desist, We shall certainly stir you against them; they shall not be allowed to be your neighbours therein except for a short time.
61. They are cursed wherever they are found; they shall be seized and slain horribly.
62. Such is the way of God concerning those who have passed away before, and never shall you find in the way of God any change.
63. When people ask you (Muhammad) about the Hour; say: “The knowledge of it is only with God, and what will make you know? Haply the Hour may be nigh.”
64. Verily God has cursed the disbelievers and prepared a flaming fire for them.
65. They shall abide therein forever; they shall not find a protector or a helper.
66. On that Day, when their faces are turned into the Fire, they shall say: “Oh! Would that we had obeyed God and the Messenger!”
67. And they shall say: “Lord! Verily we obeyed our chiefs and elders, and they led us astray from the Path.
68. “Lord! Give them double the torment, and curse them with a great curse.”
69. O you who believe! Do not be like those who afflicted Moses (with slander), but God cleared him of what they said, and he was held by God in high esteem.
70. O you who believe! Guard yourselves and utter what is right.
71. He will set your deeds right and forgive your faults; whoever obeys God and His Messenger has indeed achieved a great success.
72. Verily We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to bear it, and were afraid thereof, and man undertook it; verily he was (proved) unjust, ignorant.
73. So will God chastise the hypocrites, men and women, and the polytheists, men and women, and God will turn (merciful) to the believing men and women; God is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

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