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The Ranks (as-Saffat) -37


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 37
37 As-Saffat

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. By those who range themselves in ranks,
2. And by those who drive away the evil with reproof,
3. And by the reciters of the Qur’an:
4. Verily your Lord is One;
5. Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, Lord of the places of the rising (of the sun).
6. Verily We have adorned the heaven nearest to this world (earth) with an adornment, the stars.
7. And (also) a guard against every rebellious Satan;
8. So they may not hear the assembly on high, and they are darted from every side.
9. Driven off, and for them is a perpetual chastisement,
10. Except he who steals (a word) by stealth, then a glistening flame pursues him.
11. Ask them then: “Are they stronger in creation or those whom We have created?” Verily We created them of a sticky clay.
12. Nay! You wonder while they mock.
13. And when they are warned, they are heedless.
14. And when they see a sign, they incite its ridicule.
15. And they say: “This is but open sorcery.
16. “When we are dead and (turned into) dust and bones, shall we still be raised again?
17. “And so shall our [fore]fathers of yore?”
18. Say: “Yes, indeed; you shall be disgraced.”
19. Then it will only be a single roar when, lo, they shall gaze (around).
20. And they shall say: “Woe unto us! This is the Day of Reckoning!”
21. - “This is the Day of Judgment in which you used to disbelieve.”
22. - “Gather (now) together those who were unjust, and their mates, too, and that which they used to worship-
23. “Besides God and lead them all to Hell.
24. “And stop them, for verily they have to be questioned:
25. “How now that you cannot help one another?”
26. Nay! On that Day, they shall (all) be submitting themselves;
27. Some of them shall advance to the others, questioning each other.
28. They shall say: “Verily you did come to us from the right side beguiling.”
29. They shall say: “Nay! You yourselves were not believers.
30. “We had no authority over you. Nay! You were rebellious people.
31. “So now the sentence of our Lord has been proven true that we shall surely taste (the doom).
32. “We led you astray, for verily we ourselves strayed.”
33. Indeed, they shall on that Day share in the punishment.
34. Thus do We deal with the guilty ones.
35. When it was said to them that there was no god but God, they used to behave arrogantly.
36. They used to say: “Are we to give up our gods for a crazed poet?”
37. Nay! He has come with the truth and testified to the (preceding) messengers.
38. Verily you will taste the painful chastisement.
39. And you shall be recompensed only with what you were doing.
40. Save the sincere servants of God.
41. For these there is a known sustenance.
42. Fruits, and they shall be highly honoured,
43. In the gardens of bounties,
44. Upon couches facing each other,
45. Round will go to them a cup from a clear spring,
46. Limpid white, delicious to those who drink it.
47. Nothing therein to oppress the senses, nor shall they be exhausted therewith.
48. With them shall be chaste women with modest gaze, with large (lustrous) lovely eyes,
49. As if they were eggs securely hidden!
50. Some of them shall advance to others, questioning each other.
51. A speaker among them shall speak: “In truth, there was an intimate friend of mine,
52. “Who used to say: `Are you, too, a believer (in the resurrection?
53. “`When we are dead and are turned into dust and bones, shall we even then be brought to account?’”
54. He shall say: “Will you look?”
55. Then he would look down and see him in the midst of Hell- fire.
56. He shall say: “By God! You have almost caused me to perish!
57. “Had it not been for the bounty of my Lord, I would have certainly been brought with you into the Fire.
58. “Is it then that we do not die?
59. “Save our first death, and we shall not be chastised?
60. “Verily this is the great achievement.”
61. For the like of this should every active one act.
62. Is this better entertainment, or is it the tree of zaqqum?
63. Verily We have made it a trial for the unjust.
64. Verily it is a tree that grows in the pit of Hell.
65. Its produce is as (ugly as) the heads of the devils.
66. And verily they shall eat from it and fill their bellies therewith.
67. Then verily for them shall be to drink over it a mixture in a boiling water.
68. Then their return shall surely be to Hell.
69. Indeed they found their fathers going astray,
70. So they hastened in their footsteps.
71. And indeed most of the ancient ones before them went astray.
72. And indeed We did send warners to them from among themselves.
73. See then how the end of those who were warned had been,
74. Save the servants of God, the sincere ones.
75. And indeed Noah called upon Us and We were the Most Excellent in answering him.
76. We delivered him and his followers from the great distress.
77. We made his progeny the survivors.
78. We perpetuated for him (his praise) in the later generations.
79. “Peace be unto Noah in all the worlds!”
80. Thus do We recompense those who do good deeds.
81. Verily he was one of Our faithful servants.
82. Then We drowned all others.
83. Indeed of his party was Abraham;
84. He came unto his Lord with a submissive heart;
85. He said to his father and people: “What is that you worship?
86. “Do you desire but false gods other than the (True) God?
87. “What do you then think about the Lord of the worlds?”
88. Then he cast a glance at the stars,
89. Then he said: “Verily I am sick (of your worship).”
90. So they turned back from him.
91. Then he turned to their gods secretly and said: “Do you not eat?
92. “What ails you that you do not speak?”
93. Then he attacked them in secrecy, striking them with his right hand.
94. Then they came hastening to him.
95. He said: “Do you worship that which you yourselves carve out?
96. “While God has created you and all what you make?”
97. They said: “Erect for him a structure and fling him (from it) into the flaming Fire.”
98. So they desired to plot against him, but We made them lowly.
99. He said: “Verily I am going to my Lord; He will guide me.
100. “Lord! Grant me a righteous son.”
101. So We conveyed to him the glad tidings of a son extremely forbearing.
102. When he reached (the age of) working with him, he said: “O son! I truly saw in my vision that I sacrificed you; now what is your view?” He said: “O father! Do as you are bidden; you will find me by the Will of God steadfast.”
103. When they both surrendered to the Will of God, and he threw him upon his forehead,
104. We called out unto him: “O Abraham!
105. “Indeed you have fulfilled the dream; verily thus do We recompense the doers of good deeds!
106. “Verily this is a manifest trial.”
107. And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice.
108. And We shifted (this blessing) on him (who is from) among the generations (to come).
109. Peace be upon Abraham:
110. Thus do We reward those who do good deeds.
111. Verily he was one of Our faithful servants.
112. We gave him the glad tidings of Isaac, a prophet from among the righteous ones.
113. And We bestowed Our blessings upon him and upon Isaac: from their progeny are those who did good deeds, and those who were openly unjust to their own selves.
114. Indeed We conferred Our favour upon Moses and Aaron.
115. We delivered them both, and their people, from the great distress.
116. And We succored them, so they were triumphant.
117. We gave them both the Book that made things clear.
118. We guided them both on the Right Way.
119. We perpetuated their praise in the later generations;
120. Peace be upon Moses and Aaron.
121. Indeed thus do We reward the doers of good deeds.
122. They both were, indeed, among Our faithful servants.
123. And verily Elias was one of the messengers.
124. He said to his people: “Would you not fear God?
125. “You call upon Ba’l (idol) and forsake the best of creators-
126. “God, your Lord and the Lord of your [fore]fathers of yore?”
127. But they called him a liar, so they will certainly be brought to account,
128. Save the sincere servants of God.
129. We perpetuated his praise in the later generations;
130. Peace be upon the family of Ya-Sin;
131. Verily thus do We reward the doers of good deeds.
132. He was one of Our faithful servants.
133. And verily Lot was one of the messengers.
134. We delivered him and all his followers,
135. Save an aged woman among those who tarried,
136. Then We destroyed the rest.
137. Verily you pass by (their ruins) at morn,
138. And at eve; do you still not understand?!
139. Jonah was truly one of the messengers.
140. He fled to a ship fully laden,
141. They drew lots, and he was among those who were to be cast off.
142. And the whale swallowed him while he was blamed.
143. So, had it not been for his glorification of Us,
144. He would certainly have remained in its belly till the Day (of Resurrection) when they all are raised;
145. So We cast him forth on the naked shore, and he was (surly) sick.
146. And We caused a gourd plant to grow (and shade) over him.
147. And We sent him to a hundred thousand or more,
148. And they all believed, so We gave them provision till a time.
149. So ask them: “Is it that your Lord has daughters, while they have sons?
150. “Or have We created the angels females? Did they witness their creation?”
151. Beware! Verily it is of their own falsehood that they say-
152. That God has begotten; verily they utter a lie.
153. Has He preferred daughters to sons?
154. What has happened to you? How do you judge?
155. Will you then not reflect?
156. Or have you any clear authority?
157. (If so) then bring your book if you are truthful.
158. They assign between him and the jinn a kinship, and indeed the jinn know that they shall surely be brought to account.
159. Hallowed is God far above what they ascribe,
160. But (contrariwise are) the sincere servants of God.
161. Indeed you and what you worship,
162. Do not tempt any against Him,
163. Except him that goes to Hell.
164. And there is no place for him from Us except an assigned place.
165. We are the ones who shall arrange them in ranks.
166. And we are the ones who celebrate His praise.
167. And they certainly used to say:
168. “Had we had a reminder from those of yore,
169. “We would certainly have been true servants of God, devoted.”
170. Then they disbelieved therein; so, they will soon come to know.
171. Our word has already gone forth about Our servant- messengers.
172. Verily they shall be the succored ones.
173. And verily only Our hosts shall be victorious.
174. So turn away from them till a time,
175. And show them the light, for they shall come to see (their doom).
176. Do they hasten Our chastisement on?
177. When it descends in their court, evil shall then be the morning of the warned ones.
178. And turn away from them for a while,
179. Then behold, for they too shall soon behold (their doom).
180. Hallowed is your Lord, the Lord of Majesty, far above what they ascribe (to Him).
181. And peace be upon the messengers;
182. And all praise is God’s, Lord of the worlds.

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