
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Saad -38


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 38
38 Sâd

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Saad; by the Qur’an which is full of admonition;
2. Nay! Those who disbelieve are steeped in self-exaltation and opposition.
3. How many did We destroy of generations before them? They cried when there was no time to escape.
4. And they wondered that a warner from among themselves came to them and the disbelievers said: “This is a sorcerer, a great liar.
5. “Does he make (all) the gods into one single God? Verily this is a strange thing.”
6. The chiefs among them get away saying: “Walk away (from him), and be steadfast to your gods; verily this is but something planned.
7. “We heard none of this in the former creed; this is nothing but an imposture.
8. “Has the Reminder been revealed only to him from among us?” Nay! They are in doubt about My Reminder. Nay! They have not yet tasted My torment.
9. Or do they have the treasures of the mercy of your Lord, the Almighty, the Greatest Bestower?
10. Or is it that to them belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them? Then let them ascend (to it) with means.
11. The mighty host of clans shall surely be routed.
12. Before them, the people of Noah rejected, and so was Ad and Pharaoh, lord of stakes,
13. And Thamud, and the people of Lot, and the dwellers of the wood: these were the clans.
14. All of them rejected the messengers, so (My) retribution was just.
15. And these (infidels) do not wait but for a single (trumpet) blast; there shall be no delay in it.
16. And yet they say: “O Lord! Hasten our lot on to us before the Day of Reckoning.”
17. Bear with patience with what they say, and remember Our servant David was (blessed) with the strength of his hand; verily he oft-turned to Us.
18. We subjected the mountains to join him in declaring Our Praises, in unison, at the nightfall, and at the break of the day.
19. And the birds assembled together (to sing the hymns) and they were all obedient to him.
20. And We made his kingdom strong, and We bestowed upon him wisdom, and the clear power of judgment.
21. Has the story of the litigants come to you? When they climbed the wall into the prayer-room?
22. When they entered upon David, he was frightened of them. They said: “Fear not; (we are but) two litigants. One of us has exceeded against the other; so, you decide between us with justice, and do not be unfair, and guide us to the right way.
23. “This brother of mine has ninety-nine ewes, while a single ewe is mine, yet he said: `Let me be the owner of that, too,’ and he has prevailed over me in arguing.”
24. He (David) said: “Indeed he has been unjust to you in demanding your ewe to add to his own; verily many associates act wrongfully towards each other, save those who believe and do good deeds, and they are a few.” David perceived that We had tried him; so he asked forgiveness of his Lord and he fell down prostrating, oft-turning (to Us).
25. So We forgave him that (lapse), and verily for him is a near approach with Us and an excellent resort.
26. O David! Verily We have appointed you as a vicegerent in the earth; so, judge between people with justice, and do not follow vain desires lest they should lead you astray from the Way of God; for them shall be a severe chastisement because of forgetting the Day of Reckoning.
27. And We did not create the heavens and the earth in vain; that is the imagination of those who disbelieve; then woe unto those who disbelieve because of the Fire.
28. Shall We treat those who believe and do good deeds as we treat the mischief-makers in the world? Or shall We treat the pious as we treat the wicked?
29. We have revealed the Book unto you abounding in blessings, that they may ponder over its verses, and bear in mind those (who are) endowed with understanding.
30. And to David We bestowed Solomon: an excellent servant (of God); verily he was oft-turning (to Us).
31. Remember when light-footed coursers of the highest breeding were shown to him at eventide;
32. He said: “Verily I have loved the good things besides the remembrance of my Lord, until they got hidden in the veil (of the dark).
33. “Bring it back to me!” And he began to rub the legs and the necks.
34. And indeed We did try Solomon, and a (mere) body (corpse) was cast on his throne, then he turned (to God).
35. He said: “Lord! Forgive me and grant me a dominion such as none shall befit after me; verily You alone are the Bounteous Bestower!”
36. Then We made the wind subservient to Him: it flew gently at his command wherever he desired.
37. And the satans, every builder and diver,
38. And the others bound in chains;
39. This is Our Gift; now give freely or withhold it, without rendering any account.
40. Verily he enjoyed a near approach to Us and an excellent resort.
41. Remember Our servant Job when he cried unto his Lord: “Verily Satan has touched me with affliction and pain.”
42. - “Stamp this spring with your foot (O Job); it is a cool one to wash therewith and drink therefrom.”
43. And We endowed upon him his family and the like of them, a mercy from Us and a reminder for those endowed with understanding.
44. “Take in your hand a bundle of thin (fiber) sticks and strike (your wife) with it, and do not break your oath.” Verily We found him steadfast, an excellent servant; he was oft-turning (to Us).
45. And remember Our servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, men of strength and insight.
46. Verily We freed them (from sinning) with a distinction of remembrance of the (eternal) abode.
47. Verily, they are with Us among the chosen and the good ones.
48. And remember Ishmael, Elisha, and Zulkifl; they were among the elect and the good.
49. This is a Reminder, and verily for the pious there is an excellent resort,
50. Gardens of eternal bliss, opened for them are the doors thereof,
51. Reclining therein, calling for many a fruit and drink.
52. And with them shall be mates equal in age, modest in gaze.
53. This is what you are promised on the Day of Reckoning.
54. Verily this is Our sustenance; it shall never fail.
55. As for the wicked ones, there shall be a wretched resort,
56. Hell-fire, they shall enter it, an evil place it is.
57. Even so, let them then taste it: boiling water and gore,
58. And other (torment) similar to it, of various sort.
59. “This army (of your follows) shall be thrown headlong with you! No welcome for them! Verily they shall enter the Fire!”
60. They shall say: “Nay! You too! There shall be no welcome for you; indeed you prepared this for us, and wretched is the abode.”
61. They shall say: “Lord! Whoever brought this unto us, double the torment of the Fire for him.”
62. They shall say: “What has happened to us that we do not see the men whom we counted as the wicked ones?
63. Was it that we treated them with scorn, or have our eyes failed to perceive them?”
64. Verily this is the truth-the wrangling of the inmates of the Fire, one with another.
65. Say (O Muhammad): “I am only a warner, and there is no god but the One God, the Almighty,
66. “Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them twain, the Almighty, the Most Forgiving.”
67. Say: “It is a message of great import,
68. “And you are still turning away from it.
69. “I had no knowledge of the exalted chiefs when they disputed!
70. “It is revealed to me that I am an open warner.”
71. Remember when your Lord said to the angels: “Verily I am about to create a man from clay,
72. “And when I complete his creation and breathe into him of My own Spirit, then you fall prostrating in obeisance to him.”
73. All the angels fell prostrating in obeisance,
74. Save Iblis; he was proud, and he disbelieved.
75. (God) said: “O Iblis! What prevented you that you did not prostrate in obeisance to what I have created with My own hands? Are you proud or are you of the exalted ones?”
76. He said: “I am better than him; You have created me of fire and created him of clay.”
77. (God) said: “Get then out of it, for surely you are an outcast.
78. “And verily My curse shall be upon you till the Day of Judgment.”
79. He said: “Lord! Then grant me a respite till the day when they are raised.”
80. (God) said: “Verily then you are respited,
81. “Till the Day of the time made known.”
82. He said: “Then by Your Might, I will certainly beguile them all,
83. “Save Your servants from among them who are sincere.”
84. He said: “Then it is in truth, and the truth do I speak,
85. “I will certainly fill Hell with you and with those who follow you all together.”
86. Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad): “I ask you for no reward, nor am I an impostor.
87. “It is but a reminder to the world,
88. “And you will certainly come to know about it after a time.”

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