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The Ways Of Ascent (al-Ma’arij) -70


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 70
70 Al-Ma‘arij

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. A demander demanded an inevitable chastisement,
2. Unavoidable for the disbelievers,
3. From God, Lord of the Ways of Ascent;
4. To Him do the angels and the spirit ascend in a day whose measure is fifty thousand years,
5. So be patient (O Muhammad) with excellent patience,
6. Verily they regard it distant,
7. While We see it nigh;
8. On that Day, the heavens shall be like molten brass,
9. And the mountains shall be like (flakes of) wool,
10. And no friend will inquire about his friend,
11. (Though) they will be given the sight of each other; the guilty one would fain redeem himself from the punishment of that Day at the price of his own children,
12. And his wife and brother,
13. And his kindred that gave him shelter,
14. And all that are in the earth combined together, to deliver him;
15. By no means! Verily it is the flaming of Hell-fire,
16. Dragging the scalp,
17. Claiming him that turned his back and went away (from the truth),
18. And amassed wealth, and hid it.
19. Verily man is created avaricious,
20. When any evil afflicts him, he is fretful;
21. When any good reaches him, he is niggardly (ungrateful).
22. Save those who offer (regular) prayer,
23. Those who are ever constant at their prayer,
24. And those in whose wealth is a right declared (by Us),
25. For him that asks, and him that is deprived;
26. And those who testify to the truth about the Day of Judgment,
27. And those who are afraid of the chastisement of their Lord;
28. Verily none should feel secure against the chastisement of their Lord.
29. Those who guard their modesty,
30. Save to their wives or those whom their right hands possess-for then they are not to be blamed:
31. Whoso seeks beyond this transgresses.
32. And those who are faithful to their pledge and covenant,
33. And those who are firm in their testimonies,
34. And those who are careful about their (regular) prayers,
35. (All) those shall be in the gardens (duly) honoured.
36. But what has happened to the disbelievers that they hasten on around you?
37. On your right and on your left, in groups?
38. Does everyone of them covet to enter the garden of bliss?
39. By no means! For We have created them of what they (already) know!
40. But nay! I swear by the Lord of the Easts and the Wests, We are certainly able-
41. To substitute them for better ones, and We shall not be overtaken.
42. So leave them (to themselves) to remain in discoursing and (vain) sporting, until they come face to face unto the Day which has been promised (to them),
43. On that Day, they shall come forth from their graves in haste, as if they were rushing to a signpost in haste.
44. With their eyes cast down, covered with disgrace; that is the day they were promised.

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