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The Spirits (al-Jinn) -72


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 72
72 Al-Jinn

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Say: “It has been revealed unto me that a party of the jinn has heard (the Qur’an) and said: `We have surely heard a recitation of the Qur’an that is wonderful,
2. “`It guides to the Right (Path) wherein we believe, and we will never associate any with our Lord;
3. “`And that He, our Lord, Exalted in Majesty, has taken no wife nor son,
4. “`And that the fools among us want to speak against God atrocious things,
5. “`And that we thought that the humans and the jinn would never utter falsehood against God,
6. “`And that individuals from among the humans used to seek protection of individuals from among the jinn, so they increased them (only) in rebelling (against God),
7. “`And that they (too) thought as you thought, that God would never raise anyone (to life);
8. “`And that we sought the heavens and found it filled with strong guards and flaming darts;
9. “`And that we sat on some of the seats (there) to steal a hearing, but any who would (try to) listen would find a flaming dart awaiting him,
10. “`And that we do not understand whether he has meant evil for those on earth, or whether their Lord wishes to guide them aright,
11. “`And that some among us are good ones, and others are contrariwise; we are sects following different ways,
12. “`And that we knew that we can never defeat (the will of) God on earth, and we can never defeat Him by fleeing,
13. “`And that when we heard the guidance, we believed in it; whosoever believes in his Lord shall fear neither loss nor oppression,
14. “`And that some of us are Muslims while others are deviators (from the Right Path), and whoever submits pursues the right guidance,
15. “`As for the deviators, they shall be the fuel of Hell,
16. “`And if they are steadfast on the Right Path, We would certainly give them water in abundance,
17. “`That We may try them thereby. Whosoever turns away from remembering his Lord, He will make him undergo a severe torment,
18. “`And that the places for prostration are for remembering God; so, do not call therein any besides God!
19. “`And that when the servant of God (Muhammad) stands praying to Him, they surround him, almost stifling...’”
20. Say: “I only pray to my Lord, and I do not associate any with Him.”
21. Say: “I do not possess any power to harm or profit you.”
22. Say: “None of you can ever protect me against God, and I can find no place as refuge besides Him,
23. “Save a delivery (of the message) from God, and His Messenger; whosoever disobeys God and His Messenger shall surely have the Fire of Hell to abide therein forever.”
24. Till when they see that which they are promised, they shall come to know who is weaker in help and fewer in number.
25. Say: “I do not know whether what you are promised is near, or if my Lord has appointed a distant term for you.”
26. Knower of the unseen; He does not reveal His secrets to anyone-
27. Save to the messengers whom He chooses, for surely He causes a guard to march before and after him.
28. That He may know that indeed they have delivered the Message of their Lord, and He encompasses (the knowledge of) all that is with them, and takes account of everything.

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