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The Cessation (at-Takwir) -81


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 81
81 At-Takwir

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. When the sun is folded,
2. And the stars darkened,
3. And the mountains removed (like scattered dust),
4. And the she-camels, ten months with young, are abandoned,
5. And the wild beasts herded together,
6. And the oceans are caused to boil and burn,
7. And the souls are reunited (with their bodies),
8. And the female babe that was buried alive is asked-
9. For what sin she was put to death,
10. And when the books (of deeds) are unfolded,
11. And the heaven is removed,
12. And Hell is set to blaze,
13. And the garden (Paradise) is brought nigh,
14. Every soul shall then know what it has presented.
15. And I swear by the receding planets,
16. That run and glide,
17. And by the night when it ends,
18. And the dawn when it brightens,
19. Verily it (Qur’an) is the word of a most honoured messenger,
20. Endowed with mighty power, honoured in the presence of the Lord of the Universe.
21. The obeyed One, the Trustworthy above all.
22. O people! Your companion (Muhammad) is not insane,
23. And indeed he saw him (Gabriel) on the clear horizon,
24. And he is not avid about the unseen,
25. Nor is it the word of the cursed Satan;
26. Whither then shall you go?
27. It (Qur’an) is naught but a reminder to all the worlds,
28. To him among you who wishes to remain upright;
29. And you shall not wish save if God, Lord of the worlds, pleases.

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