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The Frauds (Al-Mutaffifin) -83


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 83
83 Al-Mutaffifin

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Woe unto the defrauders in measuring,
2. Who, when they measure from people, demand it full,
3. But when they themselves measure to them, or weigh to them, they deceive.
4. Do not they think that they shall be raised-
5. For a mighty Day?
6. On the Day when mankind stands before the Lord of the worlds?
7. Nay! The record of the wicked has been preserved in Sijjin,
8. And what will make you know what Sijjin is?
9. It is a written Book;
10. Woe unto the falsifiers on that Day,
11. Who rejected the Day of Judgment,
12. And none belies it save a transgressing sinner,
13. When Our signs are recited unto him, he says: “These are only stories of yore.”
14. Nay! What they used to do has rusted their hearts.
15. Nay! Verily on that Day, they shall be shut out, away from the mercy of their Lord.
16. Verily they shall be committed to the flaming Fire,
17. Then it shall be said (to them): “This is that which you rejected!”
18. Nay! The record of the righteous shall be in Illiyin,
19. And what will make you know what Illiyin is?
20. (It is) a Book written,
21. Those who are the near ones to God see it.
22. Verily the righteous shall be in the bounties of bliss,
23. On exalted couches, viewing (the delightful sights),
24. You (Muhammad) will recognize in their faces the (delightful) radiance of the bliss!
25. They shall be provided to quaff of pure sealed drink.
26. The seal thereof is musk; for that, let those with aspiration (for bliss) aspire.
27. Mixed therewith shall be the water of Tasnim,
28. (Which is) a spring wherefrom the near ones drink,
29. And verily the guilty ones used to laugh at those who believed.
30. And when they pass by them, they wink at each other (mocking),
31. And when they return to their people, they return jesting.
32. And when they see them, they say: “Verily these are truly astray.”
33. While they themselves are not sent to be watchers over them.
34. So today those who believe shall laugh at the disbelievers;
35. On couches (exalted, they shall be) seeing (delights).
36. Shall not the disbelievers be (also) recompensed for what they used to do?

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