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The Dawn (al-Fajr) -89


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 89
89 Al-Fajr

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. By the dawn,
2. And by the Ten Nights,
3. And by the even and the odd,
4. And by the night as it passes away,
5. Verily there is in this an oath for those who have understanding.
6. Have you (O Our Prophet Muhammad!) not seen how your Lord dealt with the people of ‘Ad -
7. Of (the city of) Iram with lofty pillars,
8. The like of which were not created in any other city (of the world)?
9. And of Thamud who hewed out the rocks in the valley,
10. And of Pharaoh, lord of the stakes,
11. Who (all) transgressed in the cities,
12. And multiplied wickedness therein,
13. So (much so that) your Lord let fall on them the whip of chastisement;
14. Verily your Lord is ever Watchful.
15. As for man, when his Lord tries him and honours him and is bounteous unto him, he then says, “My Lord has honoured me!”
16. But when He tries him then straitens to him his sustenance, he then says, “My Lord has disgraced me!”
17. Nay! You rather do not honour the orphan,
18. Nor do you urge one another to feed the poor!
19. And you devour inheritance in greed,
20. And you love wealth exceedingly.
21. Nay! When the earth is pounded to powder,
22. And the Command of your Lord comes, and the angels are in ranks arrayed,
23. And Hell is made to appear that Day, man shall that Day get awakened, but of what avail to him shall be the awakening?
24. He shall say, “Oh! Would that I had sent forth (good deeds) for (this future) life!”
25. On that Day, none shall chastise the way He shall,
26. Nor shall any bind the way He binds,
27. - “O tranquilled soul at (complete) rest!
28. “Return to your Lord well-pleased (with Him), and He with you!
29. “Enter thus among My servants,
30. “And enter into My garden!”

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