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Hadith of Unwan Basri

Allameh Majlisi in Biharul Anwar says, “I have seen this tradition in the handwriting of my teacher, Sheikh Bahai: Sheikh Shams ud-Deen bin Makki has related: From the handwritten notes of Sheikh Ahmad Farahani, I narrated from Unwan Basri (aged 94): 

For many years I attended Malek bin Anas’s classes. When Ja’far bin Mohammed entered the city of Medina, I began to attend his classes and benefitted from his presence just as I benefited from Malek. One day Ja’far bin Mohammed said to me:

My movement is being controlled by the government, and I am also engaged in prayers throughout the entire day, so please do not prevent me from my prayers. You may continue to gain knowledge from Malek like you did in the past.

I was very saddened by this and as I was leaving his place I said to myself, “If Ja’far bin Mohammed had seen any goodness in me he would not have prevented me from visiting him.” So I entered the Prophet’s mosque and saluted him. The next day I returned to the Prophet’s shrine and recited two units of prayer after which I raised my hands in prayer and said, “O Lord, O God! I ask you to make Ja’far’s heart considerate towards me, and make me benefit from his knowledge so much so that I may be guided to the right path.” Then I returned home. Due to my love for Ja’fer, I no longer visited Malek. From then onwards I would not leave my house except to participate in congregational prayers. Finally my patience ran out.

One day after reciting my evening prayers, I left my house and headed towards Ja’far’s place. Upon reaching his house when I asked for permission to enter, his servant asked me, “May I help you?” To which I replied, “I would like to greet the noble one.”2 The servant informed me that He was busy praying at his alter, so I sat on his doorstep waiting for a reply. After a while, the servant granted me permission, and I entered the house. I greeted Ja’far, he replied, and invited me to sit down. Then he said, ‘May God has mercy upon you.’ His head was bent down and after a few moments of silence he asked me, “What is your nickname (kunyah)?” I replied, “Abdullah.”

He said, “May God make you firm upon your title. What is it that you would like?” In my mind I replied to him, saying, “If there were to be no benefit in this visit except for this prayer, it would suffice me.”

He asked again, “What is your question?” I said, “I have asked God to make your heart considerate towards me and to benefit me from your knowledge. I hope God will accept my prayer in this regard.”

He said, "Knowledge cannot, as you might think, be achieved through learning; rather, it is a light which reaches into the heart of the one whom God wishes to guide. If you are seeking knowledge, then look for true devotion to God within yourself, seek knowledge through practice, and ask God to grant you the power of understanding so that you will be able to understand."

I said, “Oh noble one!”

He said; “Say, Oh Aba ‘Abdillah."

I asked, “Oh Aba ‘Abdillah. What is true devotion?”

He answered, "It consists of three things: the servant must not consider himself as the true owner of what God has conferred upon him, for servants own nothing and they believe that the wealth belongs to God alone. Therefore, it has to be spent on what God has commanded.

Servants must not entrust their affairs to themselves and all their attention must be directed to God's commands concerning what to do or not to do.

Hence, when a servant does not consider himself as the true owner of what has been conferred upon him, it will be easy for him to spend it on what God has commanded; and when the servant entrusts his affairs to the Almighty, the divine providence, it will be easy for him to withstand worldly misfortunes; and when the servant directs all of his attention to God's commands concerning what to do or not to do, he will spare no time on boasting and vying.

If a servant is favored by God with these three characteristics, it will be easy for him to deal with this world, Satan, and people. He will not seek after worldly gains to amass possessions, nor will he demand fame. Furthermore, he will not seek might and superiority other people have, and will not let his days pass by vainly. This is the first step to piety. The Almighty God - blessed is He and high exalted -says, "That is the hereafter abode which We will set for those who do not seek for high-handedness or corruption on the earth, and the blissful conclusion is for the pious.”

No information as such can be found concerning Unwan Basri in the books of Rijal3 and little is known about him except that which is offered in this tradition: he was 94 years old, and though he was one of the elders of society in his time, he was very fond of gaining knowledge as he eagerly attended intellectual gatherings and classes.

Taken from: Message Of Thaqalayn

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