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Gems of Guidance from Imam Ali (A.S)

Saeed bin Zaid bin Arta'ah met with Kumail bin Ziyad and asked him about the virtues of Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.S)
Kumail said, "I will share the will that Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.S) left for me with you, which is better than the entire world and everything that is in it."
All bin Abi Taleb (A.S) told me:
-O Kumail! Start your day with the name of Allah, "BISMILLAH" and with "LA HOWLA WA LA QOWWATA ILLA BILLAH" (There is neither strength nor power but with Allah) and depend upon Allah. And mention us with our names and send blessings on us (Salawat) and seek refuge with Allah our Lord. This will protect you and everything around you from all evil on that day.
-O Kumail! There is no knowledge except that I am the founder (opener) of it and there is no secret except that al-Qaim (A.S) will complete it. O Kumail! "Offspring, one from the other; and Allah is hearing, knowing" (3:34).
-O Kumail! Dont take (anything) except from us and you will be from among us.
-O Kumail! You (people) need help in learning about everything that exists.
-O Kumail! When you want to start eating, start with the name of Allah. Nothing can hurt you with His name; it is a cure from illness.
-O Kumail! Always have someone eat with you and do not be stingy with your food. Understand that you do not provide sustenance and that Allah will reward you for sharing your food.
-O Kumail! When you are finished eating, thank Allah for the sustenance and thank Him loudly so that others hear you and thank Him too, because this will increase your reward.
-O Kumail! Do not fill up your stomach with food, Keep place for water and space for air.
-O Kumail! Health is in eating little and drinking little.
-O Kumail! Do not turn away the poor even if you can only give them a date or a grape!
-O Kumail! Charity grows in Allah's eyes.
-O Kumail! Every nation has good and bad people. So do not get in a heated argument with those who are ignorant. And if they insult you, be patient amongst them for Allah says, "When the ignorant address them, they say: Peace" (25:63).
-O Kumail! Always tell the truth. Surround yourself with those who are pious and abandon those who are immoral.
-O Kumail! Stay away from the hypocrites and do not befriend those who will betray you.
-O Kumail! The best thing that Allah loves from His slaves, after testifying in Him and His successors, is beautifying the soul through compassion and patience.
-O Kumail! There is nothing wrong with people not knowing your secrets. O Kumail! Do not show people your needs and be patient while anticipating Allah's reward and you will thereby earn peoples trust.
-O Kumail! Who is your brother? Your brother is he who does not let you down in times of difficulty, does not keep quiet when you do something wrong, does not lie to you when you ask him a question, and does not wait to offer his help until he learns that the problem has already been solved.
-O Kumail! A believer is the mirror of his fellow believer. A believer will help identify a fellow believer's weaknesses and he will help him rectify them.
-O Kumail! Do not teach the disbelievers anything about us because they will change it and will use it against you.
-O Kumail! For any difficulty say "LA HOWLA WA LA QOWWATA ILLA BILLAH" (There is neither strength nor power but with Allah) and the difficulty will be removed.
For any blessing say "ALHAMDLI LILLAH" (All Praise Belongs to Allah) and we will increase the blessing.
If your sustenance is delayed seek forgiveness and it will come to you.
-O Kumail! Those who win in this life win a passing life, which is temporary, so understand what I have said to you and you will win the Hereafter, which is eternal.
[Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza, Chapter 1, Hadees 43 / Bihar ul Anwar Vol.74 Pg.266-277]

Reference: Aalulbayt Global Information Center

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