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Imam Hassan bin Ali (A.S) & the holy Quran

Rabi ibn Sabih has reported that:
A person came to Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (A.S) and began to complain about the absence of rain. Imam (A.S) told him, “Seek forgiveness from Allah”. Then a man came and said, “Pray to Allah that he should grant me a son”. Imam (A.S) told him, “Seek forgiveness from Allah”. Then, yet another man came and complained to Imam (A.S) about poverty. Imam (A.S) told him, “Seek forgiveness from Allah”.
The narrator asked, “People have come to you with different kinds of problems and you have offered one solution to all and that is to seek forgiveness?”
Imam (A.S), “I have said nothing from myself rather I have based my answer on the verse (of Quran) in which Allah (S.W.T) says: “I told them: Plead to your Lord for forgiveness, indeed He is all-forgiver. He will send for you abundant rains from the sky, and aid you with wealth and sons, and provide you with gardens and provide you with streams”. (71:10-12)

Source: Almujtaba Islamic articles page

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