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Martyrs of Karbala - Islam Guidance

  • Abis ibn Shabib al-Shakeri

    Abis ibn Shabib al-Shakeri came to Shawthab, a slave of Shaker. Shawthab was a sincere man whose house was always frequented by the Shias; it was there that they discussed the merits of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S). He said: “O Shawthab! What do you intend to do?” Shawthab said: “I shall fight on your side till I am killed.” He prayed Allah to reward him well then said to him: “Advance to greet Aba-Abdillah (A.S) so that he may pray for you just as he prayed for the others, for this is a day when we seek as much reward as we can.” Shawthab advanced and greeted Hussein (A.S) then fought till he was killed.
    Abis stood before Aba-Abdillah (A.S) and said: “There is none on the face of earth either near one or distant one, dearer to me than you. Had I been able to ward off injustice from you with anything more precious than my life, I would have done so. Peace be with you, and I testify that I am on you and your father's guidance!” He walked towards the enemy with his sword raised despite a wound which he had already received on his forehead. All men who saw him shouted, “O men! Stay away from him!” They knew very well that he was most courageous. Observing the situation, `Omer ibn Saad shouted, “Kill him with your stones!” He became the target of a shower of stones. Having seen that, he put down his shield and charged, causing as many as two hundred men to flee away from him. Soon they surrounded him from all directions and killed him. A number of them disputed with one another about who among them would take his head covering as booty. Ibn Saad said, “This man was not killed by one single person.” He distributed the slain hero's head-gear among them.

    Ref: Maqtal al-Husain by Abd al Razzaq al-Muqarram

  • And Thus the Head Remains Held High

    On the day of Ashura, over 1300 years ago, a noble man was slaughtered thirsty on the land of Karbala, just by the river Euphrates.
    The head of the martyr was severed and raised upon a spear. The torn body, with uncountable wounds, was left on the hot sands under the burning sun.
    The warriors, who accompanied that noble man, were also martyred and beheaded. Their heads joined the head of their master upon the spears. The household of those martyrs were looted and taken as captive.
    The heads on the spears were taken all around the cities to show off the so-called victory. The caravan of captive widows and orphans accompanied the severed heads of their beloved ones.
    The sacred head kept reciting verses from the holy Quran whilst upon the spears. It kept warning the ignorant people, yet no one listened.
    After a long painful journey, the head was finally returned to Karbala and buried with the body of the martyr.
    The head of Imam Hussain (A.S) was buried, yet, the head remains held high.
    People may argue, how would a buried head remain held high?
    We believe that the head remains held high by inspiration.
    Lady Zainab (S.A) inherited the tragedies of her mother and faced them with the patience of her father to resume the mission of her brother.
    The spirituality of the sacred head became hearable in the whispered prayers of Al-Sajjad. The faith and passion for the creator are revived in the words: O Allah, who can have tasted the sweetness of your love, then wanted another in place of you?
    Persistence is inspired from the head held high. It inspired all the infallible Imams (A.S) down to the Imam of time, the Awaited Mahdi (A.S). The endurance of the head held high is felt in the existence of the awaited Imam, who lives among us spreading the mercy of the almighty.
    Again, we live the utmost spirituality inspired by the sacred head when we listen to Duaa Arafa. Every year Millions of Muslims respond to the call of the almighty and go on pilgrimage. On the day of Arafa, hundreds of thousands of believers recite this amazing supplication:
    That eye should be blind if it does not see you watching it, and the trade of your servant would be lost without giving him a share of your love.
    The sacred head of imam Hussain (A.S) inspires our prayers. When Imam Hussain (A.S) was a child, the prophet was teaching him how to pray and start prayer with Allah Akbar.
    At that time Imam Hussain (A.S), being a child could not follow until the seventh call of Allah Akbar. Since that day, many followers of the holy household repeat Allah Akbar seven time to start their prayers.

    Ref: Almujtaba Islamic Network

  • The Blood Venture - Last Companion

    [Ep.5] The Blood Venture (The Season of the Last Companion)

  • Zuhair’s tryst with Imam Hussain (A.S)

    This meeting which proved to be the turning point in Zuhair’s life has been covered by Shaykh Abbas Qummi in ‘Nafasul Mahmoom’ page 180 as also by Tabari in his ‘Tarikh’ vol.  3 page 224.
    Abu Mikhnaf narrates from Sades b. Faraarah that an `Usmaani’ recounted to him thus:
    ‘In one of our journeys with Zuhair b. Qain al-Bajali, we happened to coincide with Hussain b. Ali (A.S). Now, nothing was more repugnant for us than to assemble with the latter at the same place. And Zuhair given his resentment tried to avoid Husain (A.S) in every possible way. However, despite our best efforts and much to our consternation, we ended up with Hussain (A.S) at the same spot. Hussain (A.S) pitched his tents at one side of the road and we on the other side. We had just got started with our food when a messenger from Hussain’s (A.S) side interrupted us. He saluted us and addressed Zuhair:
    Zuhair!  I have been sent by Hussain (A.S) to persuade you to meet him.
    These words of the messenger took us completely by surprise, so much so that we dropped what food we were eating in our astonishment. All of us were loath to go. Dillaam binte Amr, wife of Zuhair, who was a witness to the entire scene exclaimed `Glory be to Allah! Son of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) wishes to see you and you refuse to go. At least see what Hussain (A.S) has to say.’ Zuhair, heeding this counsel, reluctantly crossed over to Imam Hussain (A.S) side. Before long, he returned looking very grim and solemn. He ordered his tent be relocated next to Imam Hussain (A.S). He turned towards his wife and said “I release you from matrimony. Return to your family. I do not want to be responsible for any distress or misfortune that may befall you”. Then Zuhair declared “I have decided to accompany Hussain (A.S). I will sacrifice my life in order to save him”. He then left his wife in the custody of a relative who would escort her back to her family. Dilham b. Amr stood up, sobbed bitterly and bidding farewell to Zuhair said, “May Allah (the Glorified) help you in your affair and attract only goodness  and  virtues  towards you. My only plea is that you remember me on the Day of Resurrection in front of Hussain’s (A.S) grandfather Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P).” Zuhair then turned towards his companions and declared, “Those of you who still hold me dear may accompany me. The rest may take this as our last meeting.” Subsequently his friends also joined Zuhair in Imam Hussain’s army.

    Ref: Al-Muntazar

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