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Faith and Reason

Faith and Reason,
A Compendium of Fifty Questions and Answers Related to Islamic Theology, Jurisprudence and Other Themes

Compiled by
The Porch of Wisdom Cultural Institution

Translated by
A Group of Muslim Scholars

Published by:

The Islamic Education Board of the
World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities
Registered Charity in the UK No. 282303
Islamic Centre - Wood Lane
Stanmore, Middlesex, United Kingdom, HA7 4LQ

List of articles in category Faith and Reason
Title Hits
Kiramah (Magnanimity): Stations and Meanings Hits: 4536
Brief Answer Hits: 3829
Detailed Answer Hits: 3970
Pure Wine in the Qur’an Hits: 4339
Brief Answer Hits: 5061
Detailed Answer Hits: 4350
Pre-requisites for understanding the Qur’an Hits: 4418
Brief Answer Hits: 3999
Detailed Answer Hits: 3992
al-Khidr’s actions in the Qur’an, Vide Sura al-Khaf: 80 Hits: 5686
Answer Hits: 3660
Existence of spirits within animals and its differnce from that of the Human Being Hits: 5116
Brief Answer Hits: 4989
Detailed Answer Hits: 4465
Limiting the Ahlul Bayt to a few individuals Hits: 3773
Brief Answer Hits: 3787
Detailed Answer Hits: 3969
Compatibility of Religion and Politics Hits: 3536
Brief Answer Hits: 3584
Detailed Answer Hits: 3662
Relationship between governance of a jurist and the authority of a jurist Hits: 3460
Brief Answer Hits: 3771
Detailed Answer Hits: 3909
Legal imitation of a Jurist (mujtahid) Hits: 3765
Brief Answer Hits: 3509
Detailed Answer Hits: 3388
Difference between hukm and fatwa Hits: 3922
Brief Answer Hits: 3641
Detailed Answer Hits: 3246
Religious Pluralism and different Interpretations of Religion Hits: 4744
Brief Answer Hits: 4623
Detailed Answer Hits: 3615
Other Publications by the Islamic Education Board Hits: 6388
Treatment of Illness and Supplication Hits: 4584
Brief Answer Hits: 3510
Canonization of the Qur’an Hits: 4126
Answer Hits: 3707
The names of the Imams in the Qur’an Hits: 4156
Brief Answer Hits: 4829
Detailed Answer Hits: 3803
Imamate at Childhood Hits: 3535
Brief Answer Hits: 3538
Detailed Answer Hits: 3658
Conditions to the fulfilment of Prayer Hits: 3351
Brief Answer Hits: 3514
Detailed Answer Hits: 4097
Sin: Reality, effect on Soul and Psyche Hits: 4747
Brief Answer Hits: 4937
Detailed Answer Hits: 4091
Self-Confidence and Trust in Allah Hits: 3409
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