
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


In the Name of Allah,the Beneficent,the Merciful
Sura Ma'un
(Neighborly Needs)
No. 107 (7 Verses)
Contents of the Sura:
Many commentators believe that this Sura was revealed at Mecca. The tone of the verses, which are short and awakening about the Hereafter, and the deeds of the deniers of the Judgement Day, attests to this idea.
On the whole, the deeds and characteristics of the deniers of the Hereafter are stated in five references. Consequently, they deny the Final Judgement, repulse giving charity on the path of Allah, or helping the orphan and the indigent. They are heedless of their prayers, by saying them only hypocritically, and refuse to supply even neighborly needs.

Occasion of the Revelation:
On the occasion of the Sura's revelation, some have said that it was revealed about Abu-Sufyan who used to slaughter two big camels every day from which he and his men ate. But, one day it happened that an orphan came to his door and asked for some help. Abu-Sufyan beat him with his stick and repulsed him.
Some others have said that the verse was revealed about Walid - ibn-i-Muqayrah or 'As-ibn-i-Wa'il.
The Virtue of Studying the Sura:
On the virtue of the recitation of the Sura, a tradition narrated from Imam Baqir (p.b.u.h.) says: "He who recites it (Sura Ma'un) in his obligatory and optional (1) prayers, Allah accepts his prayers and his fasting, and does not count the (evil) acts he committed in this world." (2)
(1) 'Supererogatory' has been used for this type of prayer, however, since this word, also, means something depreciative or offensive, 'optional' was prefrred as it is optional.
(2) Majma'-al-Bayan, vol. 10, p. 546.


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