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Back You are here: Home Library Invocation Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya (The Psalms of Islam) Addenda 60.His Supplication Against what he Feared

60.His Supplication Against what he Feared

His Supplication in Fear

His Supplication against that which he Feared and Dreaded286

1  My God,
          nothing repels Thy wrath but Thy clemency,
          nothing delivers from Thy punishment but Thy pardon,
          nothing rescues from Thee but Thy mercy and pleading to Thee!287 
2  So give me, my God, relief by means of the power
                    through which Thou bringest the dead lands to life
                    and revivest the spirits of the servants!288
          Destroy me not,
                    and give me the knowledge of Thy response,
                    my Lord!
          Raise me up and push me not down,
                    help me,
                    provide for me,
                    and release me from every blight! 

3  My Lord,
          if Thou raisest me up,
                              who will push me down?
                    If Thou pushest me down,
                              who will raise me up?
          But I know, my God, that there is no wrong in Thy decree,
                              and no hurry in Thy vengeance.
                    He alone hurries who fears to miss,
                              and only the weak needs to wrong.
          But Thou art exalted, my Master,
                    high indeed above all that! 
4  My Lord,
          make me not the target of affliction
                    nor the object of Thy vengeance,
          respite me,
          comfort me,
          release me from my stumble,
                    and send not affliction after me,
          for Thou hast seen my frailty,
                    and the paucity of my stratagems.
          So give me patience,
                    for I, my Lord, am weak,
                    and I plead to Thee, my Lord! 
5  'I seek refuge in Thee from Thee',
                    so give me refuge!289 
6            I seek sanctuary in Thee from every affliction,
                    so grant me sanctuary! 
7            I cover myself through Thee,
                    so cover me, my Master,
                    from what I fear and dread! 
8  Thou art the All-mighty,
                    mightier than every mighty thing! 
9            Through Thee,
                    through Thee,
                              through Thee,
                    I cover myself. 
10            O God, O God, O God,
                    O God, O God, O God,
                              O God, O God, O God,
                                        O God!
          Bless Muhammad and his Household,
                              the good, the pure! 

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