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With Our Master Muhammad

With Our Master Muhammad

In the Assault of al-Asheera, our Master Muhammad [s] led, Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib was holding the banner.


The Muslim Army's companies and patrols succeeded to threaten the trade of the Quraish.

The Quraish announced the economic war against the Muslims. So, they attacked the Muslims' houses who immigrated from Makkah to Madina. They intensified their war against the Muslims everywhere.

In the meantime, the Quraish urged the Arab tribes to attack Yathrib.


Our Master Muhammad [s] wanted to punish the Quraish. He thought that the best way to punish them was to threaten their trading caravans going to Sham.

Al-Hamza went with our Master Muhammad [s] on each assault.

Our Master Muhammad [s] heard that a trading caravan headed by Abu Sufyan was coming back from Sham to Makkah. So, our Master Muhammad [s] asked the Muslims to face the caravan.

On Ramadhan 12th 2 AH., our Master Muhammad with 313 immigrants and supporters went outside Madina.

Abu Sufayn heard about the movement and the aim of the Muslims who wanted to face the caravan. So, he quickly sent man to the Quraish to tell them about the dangerous situation.

Abu Jahal found that action a suitable chance to destroy Islam and the Muslims. So he began urging the Quraish to fight the Muslims. He and the Quraishi leaders called up nine hundred and fifty fighters. Abu Jahal headed the fighters and marched towards the springs of Badr, where the Muslims had camped.

On Ramadhan 17th, the two armies came together. The polytheists were beating the war drums. But the Muslims were remembering and glorifying Allah.

Jibreel came down from the heavens. He read him this verse:

And if they incline to peace, then incline to it

The Prophet [s] asked the Quraish to make peace but Abu Jahal refused. He thought that he would destroy Islam, for his army was three times as many as the Muslim Army.

The two armies got ready to clash. One of the

polytheists shouted:

Muhammad, let your brave men come out to fight us!

So, our Master Muhammad [s] said:

Ubaidah bin al-Harith, al-Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, and Ali bin Abu Talib, stand up.

They moved briskly. They were ready to die for Allah's way.

Ubaidah stood before his opponent Utbah bin Rabeeah.

Ali stood before al-Waleed bin Utbah.

Hamza stood before Shaiba bin Rabeeah.

So, the first battle in the history of Islam broke out.

Immediately, al-Hamza hit and knocked down his opponent. Ali hit the enemy of Islam and killed him.

Ubaidah hit his opponent, but his opponent hit him too. He fell to the ground. Al-Hamza and Ali killed Utbah. Then they took Ubaidah to the camp to tend to him.

When the polytheistic heroes fell over the ground one by one, Abu Jahal ordered his fighters to launch a general attack.

The Muslims faced the attack with spirits filled with belief confidence in Allah. So, Allah granted the Muslims a victory.

Abu Jahal and the polytheistic leaders fell over the ground. So, the other polytheists escaped with alarm.



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