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Chapter 15-Fifteenth Assembly

Chapter 15 

Fifteenth Assembly

Met on Saturday, 3rd Shaban in the year 407. The grand Sheikh al-Mufid Abu Abdillah, Muhammad b. Muhammad b. al-No'man - may Allah perpetuate His beneficence to him, narrated to us:

1. The Prophet's contentment

He said: Abu Hafs Umar b. Muhammad reported to me from Ali b. Mahrwayh al-Qazwini, who reported from Dawood b. Sulaiman al-Ghazi, who reported from al-Ridha, Ali b. Musa, from his father, Musa b. Ja'far, from his father Ja'far b. Muhammad, from his father Muhammad b. Ali, from his father Ali b. Husain, from his father al-Husain b. Ali, from his father Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon them all, that:

The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: An angel appeared to me and said: "O Muhammad! Your Sustainer sends you peaceful greetings and says: if you so desire, We can turn the entire plain of Makkah into gold." He said (i.e. the Prophet): I raised my head towards the heavens and said: "O, my Sustainer! (let it be that) one day, I eat to my fill, so that I praise You with gratitude and one day, I remain hungry so that I (experience the pleasure to) seek from You."

2. Love for four companions; which ones?

He said: Abu Ubaidullah Muhammad b. Imran al-Marzbani reported to me from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa al-Makki, who reported from Abdullah b. Ahmad b. Hanbal, who reported from his father, who reported from al-Husain b. al-Hasan, who reported from Sharik, from Abi Raabia'h al-Ayadi, who was heard narrating even in his old age, from Ibn Buridah, from his father, who said:

The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Surely, Allah has commanded me to love four of my companions; and has revealed to me that He indeed loves them." We said: "Who are they, O messenger of Allah? And there is none from us who does not wish to be among them." He, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Be it known that Ali is among them" - and he repeated this three times - "and al-Miqdad and Abu Dharr al-Ghifari and Salman al-Farsi."

3. Uthman argues with Ayesha

He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Muhammad al-Katib reported to me from al-Hasan b. Ali al-Za'farani, who reported from Abu Ishaq Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Thaqafi, who reported from al-Hasan b. al-Husain al-Ansari, who reported from Sufyan, from Fudhail b. al-Zubair, who reported from Farwah b. Majashe, from Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali, peace be upon him that:

Ayesha called upon Uthman and said: "Grant me what my father and Umar b. al-Khattab used to grant me." He (i.e. Uthman) said: "I do not see any status for you in the Book nor in the (Prophet's) Traditions. Surely, both your father and Umar b. al-Khattab, granted you (extra favours) because of their obliging nature, but I shall not do it."

She said: "Then give me my inheritance from the Prophet of Allah". He said: "Did you not come to me, with Malik b. Aws al-Nasri, to give witness that the messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, does not bequeath; till you deprived Fatimah from her inheritance and nullified her right? How come you are claiming inheritance today from the Prophet?" She left him and went away.

And when Uthman appeared for the prayers, she raised the Prophet's shirt on a cane and exclaimed: "Surely, Uthman has contradicted the owner of this shirt and has abandoned his Tradition."

4. Whoever hates the Ahlul Bait, Allah shall resurrect him as a follower of Judaism

He said: Abul Husain Muhammad b. al-Mudhaffer al-Bazzaz reported to me from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Hasani, who reported from Idris b. Ziyad al-Kafrsosi, who reported from Hannan b. Sudair, from Sudaif al-Makki who reported from Muhammad b. Ali, peace be upon hm (commenting that I have not seen any believer of Muhammad to match his excellence) who reported from Jabir b. Abdillah al-Ansari, who said:

Once, the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, caused an announcement to be made among the Muhajir and Ansar, so they assembled with their weapons. The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, climbed the pulpit, praised Allah and expressed his gratitude to Him. Then he said: "O Muslims, whoever hates us, the Ahlul Bait, Allah shall resurrect him on the day of Judgement as a follower of Judaism." Jabir said: I stood up and asked: "O messenger of Allah, will it happen even if I testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah?" He said: "If he testified that there is no god but Allah, that saved him from his blood being spilled and from paying the tax submissively and with humility."

Then the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny said: "Whoever hates us, the Ahlul Bait, Allah shall resurrect him, as a follower of Judaism on the Day of Judgement, and if he ever met Dajjal, he would be his partisan. And, even if he did not meet him (i.e. Dajjal), he would be resurrected in his grave, so that he believes in him (i.e. Dajjal). Surely, Allah made the whole of my Ummah appear before me while still in dust, and taught me their names, the way he taught all the names to Adam. So, standard bearers passed by me and I prayed for forgiveness, in favour of Ali and his followers.

Hannan b. Sudair said: I narrated this Tradition before Abu Abdillah Ja'far b.Muhammad, peace be upon him, and he said: "Did you yourself hear this from Sudaif?" He said: "It is now seventh night since I heard from him." He (i.e. Abu Abdillah) said: "I never thought that this narration ever escaped the lips of my father to anyone."


5. Ali (AS) address people of Kufa

He said: Abu Ubaidullah Muhammad b. Imran al-Marzbani reported to me from Muhammad b. Musa b. Hammad, who reported from Muhammad b. Sahl, who reported from Hisham b. Muhammad b. al-Saib, from Abu Mikhnaf Lut b. Yahya, from al-Harith b. Husairah, from Abdul Rahman Ibn Ubaid b. al-Kanood, who said:

Amirul Mo'mineen Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, returned from Basrah to al-Kufah on 12th Rajab and proceeded to climb the pulpit. He expressed his gratitude and praise to Allah and said: "All praise be to Allah Who has helped His servant, blessed with authority and forsaken His enemy. He exalted the truthful and just and disgraced the liar and unjust. O people of the town, it is obligatory upon you to be mindful of your duties to Allah and to obey those who, from among the Ahlul Bait of your Prophet, are obedient to Allah. They are worthier of your submission; for they, in submission to Allah, stood firm against the pretentious and our opponents who despite their dependence upon us for their guidance, fight against us, usurp our rights and deprive us...They have tasted the evil of their action and there awaits them a painful chastisement.

Indeed, some of you have held themselves back from helping me and I am indeed, displeased and disappointed with them. So, you disassociate yourselves from them and admonish them, so that, they may realize their misconduct or come to do what we approve."

Then Malik b. Habib al-Tameemi al-Yarbuee', his police commander, stood up and said: "By Allah, I believe that simply disassociating and admonition is two little. By Allah, should you command us, we would kill them all." Amirul Mo'mineen, peace be upon him, said: "O Malik, you are crossing the bounds and transgressing the limit, engaging yourself in the extremes." He said: "O Amirul Mo'mineen! Sometimes a little bit of tyranny and inequity, while dealing with the matters confronting you, is more suited than being kind to your enemies."

Amirul Mo'mineen, peace be upon him said: "O Malik, that is not the way Allah has ordained. He Most High, has said: 'A life for a life' (al-Maedah:V.45). So where is the room for a bit of inequity and tyranny? And then Allah, Most High, has said: 'And whoever is killed unjustly, We have given power to his avenger of blood, but let him not exceed the just limits in killing. Surely, he will be victorious'(Al-Israa':V.33)."

Then Abu Burdah b. Awf al-Azdi stood before him. He was a partisan of Uthman, having fought against Ali in the battle of Jama, but joined him in Siffin with a very weak intention of helping. He said: "O Amirul Mo'mineen! Did you see the fallen bodies around Ayesha, Talha and al-Zubair? Why were they killed?" Amirul Mo'mineen, peace be upon him said: "Because they had killed my followers and my appointed governors. And (also) because they killed the brother of Rabeeah al-Abdi - may Allah bless him with mercy, together with a group of Muslims. They had said: 'We will not break our allegiance the way you did and we will not revolt the way you have revolted.' So, they were unjustly attacked and killed. I asked them to submit to me, the names of those who killed my brethren and there would be the Book of Allah, to decide between me and them. They refused (to give me the names) and (instead) they rose to fight me, while they were still in allegiance to me, and the responsibility of having killed, nearly a thousand of my partisans lay upon their shoulders. That is why I killed them. Do you have any doubt about that?" He said: "I had a doubt but now I have understood and the error of those people has now become evident for me. No doubt, you are the rightly guided one."

Then Ali, peace be upon him, prepared to climb down, while some people rose to speak. But when they saw him climb down, they sat down and did not utter a word.

Then Abul Kanood said: "In spite of his presence (with Ali) at Siffin, Abu Burdah was insincere to Ali, peace be upon him, and used to privately correspond with Mo'awiyah. And when Mo'awiyah became the absolute monarch, he gave a piece of land to him at al-Fallujah and was quite generous to him."

6. Fatemah (AS) on the Day of Judgement

He said: Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali b. Musa reported from his father, who reported from Ali b. Ibrahim b. Hashim, from his father, from Ibn Abi Umayr, from Aban b. Uthman, that:

Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: On the Day of Judgement, Allah will bring together the first and the last people on one plane and then He will cause an announcement to be made: "Cast down your glances and lower your heads, so that Fatemah (peace be upon her), daughter of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny, crosses the Bridge (al-Sirat)." He said: "People will cast down their glances and then Fatemah, peace be upon her, will arrive seated on one of the highbred animals of Paradise, followed by 70 thousand angels. Then she will make a distinguished pause at one of the high stations on the Day of Judgement, dismount and take the blood soiled shirt of al-Husain b. Ali peace be upon him, in her hands, saying: "O Allah! This shirt belongs to my son, and You know what was done to him."

There will be proclamation from Allah, Most High: "O Fatemah, you have My pleasure." She will say: "Help me avenge from those who killed him." Allah will then command a flame from hellfire to leap forth and devour all the killers of al-Husain b. Ali, peace be upon him, the way a bird devours a seed. The flame will take them back into the hellpit, subjecting them to various chastisements. Then Fatemah, peace be upon her, will ride again and proceed to enter Paradise, accompanied by the angels following her, her descendants before her and her friends and partisans on her right and on her left."

7. Be like a honeybee among the birds

He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar al-Jea'bi reported from Abu Ali al-Husain b. Muhammad al-Kindi, who reported from Amru b. Muhammad al-Harith, who reported from his father Muhammad b. al-Harith, who reported from al-Sabah b. Yahya al-Muzni, from al-Harith b. Husayrah, from his father who said:

Amirul Mo'mineen, Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, told his followers: Be among people like a honeybee among the birds. For every quality that a bird has (like flight and speed), it considers the bee as weak; but if the birds know what blessings the bees carry in their stomach, they would not have treated them such. Mix up with the people with your tongues and your bodies (i.e. in appearance), but disassociate from them with your hearts and your deeds. Every soul shall have what it earns, and on the Day of Judgement, he will be with the one he loved."

8. O, he who asks about the people bygone, Is there no lesson for you in what you see?

He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Katib informed me from Abu Ali Muhammad b. Hammam al-Iskafi, who reported from Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Tirmidhi, who reported from Ubaidullah b. Umar al-Qawariri, who reported from Ja'far b. Sulaiman al-Dhubaee' who said:

Once, I came to a deserted graveyard and I heard Malik b. Dinar say that:

"I have come to the graves and exclaimed,

Where are great ones, and where are those who were considered lowly;

And where are those who were promptly answered when they summoned,

And where is the mighty one, proud of his might?

And where is the one conceited about his authority,

And where is the powerful one, who wielded his prowess?"

He said: A voice answered me, though I would see no face;

"They vied each other for destruction, and there is no sign,

they all died, and (with them) the news (about them) died.

The earthly insects and worms come and go,

and destroy the beauty of those faces,

O, he who asks about the people bygone,

Is there no lesson for you in what you see?


And may Allah bless our master Muhammad and his immaculate progeny

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