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The Day of Judgement


What is the Day of Judgement?


After man dies he remains for a long time in the state of Barzakh and then God Almighty brings him to life for God’s court of justice. Therein all created beings will gather and each will be given his own dossier and in it all his pious and bad deeds will have been recorded. “So, he who has done an atom’s weight of good shall see it. And he who has done an atom’s weight of evil shall see it”[99: 7,8].

When he looks at his record of deeds and sees that all his actions, hidden and apparent, have been written in it, and even his thoughts and the misgivings of his heart have not been omitted, he is surprised and says, “Ah! Woe to us! What sort of book is this! It does not omit a small thing nor a big thing but numbers them (all)”[18: 49].

Then the scales are set up and the Prophets and their successors and the martyrs stand up to intercede at the trials and judgements: whoever was a true believer and did good acts, his lot shall be paradise and, as previously mentioned, the day of resurrection will be equivalent to fifty thousand years.

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