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What is the Hajj?


The Hajj consists of journeying to Makka in the Arabian Peninsula with the purpose of performing rites of worship.


Upon whom is Hajj  obligatory?  


Hajj is obligatory upon one who is able to travel to Makka with his own money, on the proviso that this will not make him poor or cause him hardship.


How many times is Hajj obligatory upon a person who is able?


Once in a lifetime.


Is Hajj also a recommended act (apart from the obligation)? 


Yes, for those people who cannot really afford it, and for those who can but have already performed the obligatory pilgrimage, Hajj is recommended.


What must be done on the Hajj? 


Hajj is divided into two parts:

a)       ‘Umra[32].

b)       Hajj.

a): the rites of ‘Umra are as follows:

1.        Ihram (pilgrim’s dress) to be worn from the Miqat[33].

2.        Going round the Holy Ka‘ba (tawaf) seven times.

3.        Two units of prayer after the tawaf behind the station (maqam) of Ibrahim  (peace be upon him).

4.        Brisk walking (sa‘i) between the mountains of Safa and Marwa, seven times.

5.        Cutting (taqsir) some hair off the hair of the head or cutting from the nails.

b): the rites of Hajj are as follows:

1.        Ihram (pilgrim’s dress) to be worn from Makka.

2.        Being on ‘Arafat on the ninth day of Dhu ’l- Hijja.

3.        Being at the Mash‘ar [Muzdalifa] early on the morning of the tenth. 

4.        Setting out from the Mash‘ar towards Makka on the tenth day, namely the Festival (‘Id)  of al-Adha.

5.        Throwing seven pebbles at the Jamra of the ‘Aqaba on the ‘Id of al-Adha.

6.        The slaughtering of an animal from among the three categories of livestock: camels, cows or sheep and goats.

7.        Shaving  the head or cutting the hair.

8.        Tawaf of the Ka‘ba seven times, called the tawaf of al-ziyara.

9.        Performing two units of prayer after this tawaf behind the maqam of Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

10.     Sa‘i or brisk walking between Safa and Marwa, seven times.

11.     Another tawaf around the Ka‘ba seven times,  called the tawaf of al-nisa’.

12.     As 9, above.

13.     Staying at Mina on the eve of the eleventh and twelfth, and in some cases the eve of the thirteenth.

14.     Throwing pebbles at the three Jamarat in Mina, each Jamra being stoned with seven pebbles during the daytime of the 11th of Dhu ’l-Hijja and the 12th, and also on the 13th if the pilgrim had stayed at Mina on the eve of the 13th. 


When should a Muslim go on the Hajj?


In the months of Hajj, namely Shawwal, Dhu ’l-Qa‘da and Dhu ’l-Hijja[34]. Of course, the Hajj itself can only be performed in the month of Dhu ’l-Hijja.



What is ‘Umra by itself (that is without Hajj)?


The ‘Umra is exactly the same as we have mentioned above[35] plus the tawaf around the Ka‘ba, called the tawaf of al-nisa’, and the two units of prayer that follow it (as 11 and 12, above). This ‘Umra can be performed at any time during the whole year.


What are the benefits of Hajj?


Hajj has many benefits, some of which we will point out here:

1-Political Benefits:

Hajj brings about unity among the Muslims and gives them strength, making their enemies fear their might.

2-Economic Benefits:

Hajj makes money circulate and move from one end of the Islamic World to the other and so causes trade to flourish.

3-Psychological Benefits:

It gives comfort to the soul and bestows the calm and piece of mind that travelling brings and which dispel anxiety and worry regarding the homeland for as the poet says:


Go abroad to seek high things

and travel, for in travel there are five benefits,

The dispelling of anxiety, gaining a livelihood,

a sound mind, a good code of conduct

and admirable company.


4-Social benefits:

The Hajj causes the Muslims to get to know each other and helps them speak with one voice.

5-Spiritual benefits:

Circumambulating the Ka‘ba, the walk between Safa and Marwa, the prayer of circumambulation, the ritual prayers, the standing on ‘Arafat are all worship.  There are many other benefits of making the Hajj which are mentioned elsewhere in more detail.1

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