
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 13 Eleventh Greater sin: Sodomy A Lustful Glance on a Young Boy

A Lustful Glance on a Young Boy

A Lustful Glance on a Young Boy

To look upon a young boy with lust is Harām, especially a boy who has not yet developed facial hair. The evil effects and the severe punishments for a lustful glance have already been described in the section on adultery. It is also related from the Holy Prophet (S) that he said;

“Refrain from looking lustfully at the children of rich people and slaves, especially those who have yet no beard. Because the mischief that is possible by such glances is greater than mischief of glancing at young girls, who are in veil.”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

 It is obligatory for a Muslim to control his glances and safeguard against such indecencies.


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