
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 15 Thirteenth Greater Sin: Drinking Liquor Effect of Alcohol on Mental Faculties

Effect of Alcohol on Mental Faculties

Effect of Alcohol on Mental Faculties

The most destructive effect that alcohol can produce is on the overall psychology of the alcoholic. According to statistics available from mental hospitals the majority of the patients are those who have been long-time alcoholics.

The book ‘BalahaÄ« al-Ijtemai’ has quoted the magazine ‘Health’ which says:

According to medical research there are 2,00,000 lunatics in France who have become mad due to alcoholism. Also 80% of all mental patients have been drunkards. Further 40% of all the ailments that afflict the people are due to alcohol. According to British scientists, 90% of the lunatics are so, due to the effect of alcohol.


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