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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 35 Pride or Arrogance To Give up Du’a due to Arrogance is Kufr

To Give up Du’a due to Arrogance is Kufr

To Give up Du’a due to Arrogance is Kufr

“And your Lord says, Call upon Me, I will answer you, surely those who are too proud for My service shall soon enter hell abased.”

(Surah Ghafīr 40:60)

 In the above ayat Allah (S.w.T.) has assured that whoever seeks His help will receive immediate response. According to TafsÄ«r Kashaf Du’a means to ask, that is to seek something. Thus the actual purpose of Du’a is to beg the Almighty with utmost humility and sincerity. This is true obedience and worship of one God. So whoever does not supplicate is arrogant. He considers himself self sufficient and independent of Allah (S.w.T.) and does not consider Allah (S.w.T.) deserving of obeisance; such a person has committed Kufr and will remain forever in Hell.

 Imam Zainul Ä€bedÄ«n (a.s.) says:

“(O Allah (S.w.T.)) you have named Du’a towards You to be Your worship and its omission to be arrogance which earns Hell.”

 (SahÄ«fa Sajjadiyah)

 “The best of Your servants are those who are not arrogant, and who do not repeat sins insolently, and make repentance their habit and I avoid to be the one who becomes arrogant and does not call You.”

(Sahīfa Sajjadiyah)

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