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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 35 Pride or Arrogance Behaving arrogantly with the people

Behaving arrogantly with the people

Behaving arrogantly with the people

The third type of arrogance is with respect to the fellow-beings. To consider oneself superior and better than others and to consider others lowly. To behave in a proud manner with them, and walk ahead of them. To try to find the best seat in a gathering. To expect others to salute and show humility. To hate one who offers good advice and to refuse the advice offered. To feel angry if someone points out one’s mistake. Not to behave with kindness and benevolence towards those whom one teaches. To act as if one has done a great favour and expect servitude in return. In brief, arrogance is the act of considering and believing oneself to be the most superior person. Just like we consider ourselves superior to the animals.

 The proud people who are rich prefer not to stand besides the ordinary people during congregational prayers or mix with them in religious gatherings. In reality an arrogant person has made himself a partner with the Almighty Allah (S.w.T.) by trying to acquire the Divine attribute of Pride that belongs exclusively to Him. It is as if the slave takes away the king’s crown and puts it on his own head and seats himself on the throne. Such a slave is liable for the worst punishment. It is wise to avoid such behaviour.

  Allah (S.w.T.) is the Creator of all human beings, therefore it is not proper for one man to behave arrogantly with another and to consider himself superior and exclusive. The one who behaves proudly has actually become Allah (S.w.T.)’s rival, because Pride is a quality reserved for Allah (S.w.T.) alone.

 Some of the traditions related to Pride and the proud people have already been mentioned above in the beginning of the discussion. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says: “Pride is considering other people lowly and considering the truth as foolishness.”


 Allamah Majlisi explains that it denotes making fun of truth, rejecting it, considering it lowly, and not understanding its importance.

The Holy Prophet (S) says:

“The worst kind of Pride is considering the creatures lowly and considering the truth foolishness.”


Umar bin Yazid says, I asked Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): “I eat well and wear a good perfume and ride the best horse. I am also accompanied by my slaves. Is it arrogance on my part? I want to know it so that I may abstain from such a behaviour.”

Imam (a.s.) bowed his head and then said,

“Remember! The accursed and arrogant is the one who considers other people lowly and ignores the truth.”

Umar said, “I understand what truth is but what is the meaning of ‘ignoring the Truth’?

Imam (a.s.) said: “One who considers other people inferior and shows his superiority over them is arrogant.”


We shall refer to some types of pride and arrogance with people because the Holy Qur’an has mentioned them in different ayats.

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