
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 51 Disrespect to Masajid Purification of Masjid is Wajib

Purification of Masjid is Wajib

Purification of Masjid is Wajib

Purifying the Masjid immediately is Wajib, such that it should not be generally considered as wilful delay or heedlessness. Immediately means that if there is some time for the prayer it should be purified before prayers. It should also be clear that purifying the Masjid is incumbent not only on the person who has polluted it, but it is a Wajib al-Kifai on all Muslims. It is Wajib to bear the expenses even if it is a costly matter. If one cannot bear the cost alone it is incumbent on him to ask help from others.


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