
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Question Paper on Lesson 18

Question Paper on Lesson 18

Question 1:      [7 points]

Fill in the Blanks:

(a)     The 12th Imam was born on the _____ of Sha`bān in the  year _____ AH in _____________ .

(b)     The Minor Occultation lasted for _____ years.

(c)     The name of the 12th Imam's mother was ________________ .

(d)     The 12th Imam's imamate began at the age of ____ in the year ____ AH.

(e)     During the Minor Occultation, Imam __________________ with the outside world through his special _________________ .

(f)       The 12th Imam's name was _________________ and his agnomen was ________________ .

(g)     According to the Qur'ān, Prophet NÅ«h lived for ______ years.

 Question 2:      [15 points]

Is the belief in the re-appearance of an expected universal reformer unique to Shi‘a Muslims? What other religions and Muslim sects believe in the re-appearance of the Mahdi? Name the Biblical chapter and verse number that confirms this belief.

 Question 3:      [5 points]

Narrate one hadīth that describes the existence and the re-appearance of the 12th Imam.

 Question 4:      [10 points]

What is the fundamental purpose of the re-appearance of the 12th Imam?

 Question 5:      [13 points]

Passages from the Psalm 37 and the Qur'ān quoted in this lesson describe various qualities of the people who will inherit God's land and to whom God will bestow the leadership of this world. But there are two qualities which have been mentioned both in the Psalms and the Qur'ān. What are those two qualities?

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