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Surely He Was Frequent In Returning (To Allah) - The Story of Our Prophet Ayyub

Surely He Was Frequent In Returning (To Allah) - The Story of Our Prophet Ayyub


A man from the children of Prophet Yousif (AS) lived in the land of Hawran 2500 years ago. The man was Prophet Ayyub (AS). Ayyub was pious person. He married a young lady called Rahma. Rahma also was among the children of Yousif (AS).

Ayyub and Rahma lived a happy life. They believed in Allah and His Apostle.
Allah, the Glorified, endowed Ayyub with sons and daughters. Ayyub had lots of land full of fields and pastures. Ayyub's cattle gazed in those fields and pastures.

Ayyub served only Allah and did not associate any thing with Him. He followed the religion of his fathers Ibrahim, Ishaq, and Ya'qub.

One day the angels came down to Ayyub. They gave him good news of prophecy, thus Ayyub prostrated himself to Allah, and he thanked Allah for prophecy.

Ayyub was pious person. Allah endowed him with prophecy, so all the people loved him.

Ayyub's house was big. Ayyub accommodated his sons and daughters in his house. He also stored seeds and foodstuffs in it.

Prophet Ayyub loved the poor. He gave them food and clothes. He always invited an orphan or a poor person to eat with him.

The poor came to Ayyub's house from distant places. Ayyub supplied them with food and clothes, thus the poor returned to their homes to please their children.

Ayyub Allah's Prophet did not turn anyone nor did he remind anyone of a favor, so people loved him.

Ayyub's House

One day an old man came to Ayyub's house. The old man greeted Ayyub, saying “Peace be on you Ayyub, Allah's Prophet.”

“Peace and Allah's mercy be on you,” said Ayyub “Come in, please. You're in your house and among your family.”

“May Allah increase the dignity of Ayyub,” said the old man, “As you see, I'm an old man. I have hungry children. Allah's Prophet gives the poor food and clothing.”

Prophet Ayyub asked the old man with a pained voice: “Old man, are you a stranger?”

“No, Allah's Prophet,” replied the old man, “I'm from the land of Hawran.”

Prophet Ayyub felt more and more pain, so he exclaimed: “How selfish I am! My house is full of foodstuffs and you're hungry!”

The old man explained: “It is my own fault. I haven't asked you for food or clothing before.”

“No, it's my own fault,” said Ayyub, “I haven't looked for you.”

Ayyub turned to his sons and said to them: “Why don't you fear Allah's wrath? Why do you spend the night satisfied and there are hungry old people and children in Hawran?”

His sons apologized to him for that, and then they said: “We looked for the poor many times; however, we found none of them.”

Ayyub asked with pain: “What about this old man?”

“Forgive us,” Ayyub's sons requested.

“Come on, send food and clothes to the old man's house!” ordered Ayyub.

“We listen to the Prophet and obey him,” they explained.

Prophet Ayyub lived in this stone house this way.

Prophet Ayyub worked on his fields and farms. His wife milled grain. Her daughters and slave girls helped her.

Ayyub's sons carried food and clothing and looked for the poor. His slave boys worked on his farms. They brought fruit and grain to his stores.

The shepherds took Ayyub's cattle to the pastures. Ayyub thanked Allah for increasing his belongings and his children.

Ayyub, the Prophet, believed in Allah. He thanked Him for His blessings. He helped all the people. Farms, fields, cattle, and many children did not make Ayyub ungrateful, so people loved Ayyub.

People loved Ayyub because they thought that he was a blessed person and among Allah's Prophets, so they believed in Allah, the Giver.


Satan envied Prophet Ayyub. Ayyub wanted his people to follow the way of guidance and good.

Satan wanted people to follow the way of evil and deviate from the right path, for this reason he whispered evil to them, saying, “Ayyub is afraid that Allah will take his property and farms. This is why he serves Him. If Ayyub was poor, he would not serve Allah nor would he prostrate himself to Him.”

The people listened to Satan's whispering and believed it. The people of Hawran frequently repeated Satan's words: “Allah has endowed Ayyub with blessings, so Ayyub serves Him. He's afraid that Allah will deprive him of his blessings. If a misfortune inflicts Ayyub, he'll stop worshipping Allah. If a thunderbolt burns his fields, he'll be impatient. If Allah deprives him of his blessing, he won't prostrate himself to Him.”

The Test

Allah, the Glorified, wanted to show people Satan's lies. Meanwhile He wanted to show them Ayyub's truthfulness, patience, and faith, so He began testing Ayyub. Misfortunes hit Ayyub one by one. Let's see to what extent Prophet Ayyub was patient and believing.

Everything occurred as usual. Ayyub prostrated himself to Allah and thanked him for His blessings and favors. His sons carried bags of food and looked for the poor, the needy, and travelers.

His slave boys worked on his farms and brought grain to the stores.

Rahma, Prophet Ayyub's wife, milled grain.

Some slave boys brought fire wood; some brought water from the fountain.

The shepherds took the cattle to the meadows. Everything passed calmly and beautifully. In those moments Satan appeared. He reveled and blew is pipe.

Suddenly, a shepherd came breathlessly to Prophet Ayyub. He asked: “Where is Allah's Prophet, Ayyub?”

“What's happened?” asked Ayyub, “Speak.”

“They've killed them.” Answered the shepherd, “They've killed all my friends. They've killed the shepherds and the farmers. They've killed them all. They've shed their blood on the rocks.”

“What?” asked Ayyub.

“The wicked have attacked us,” replied the shepherd, “They've taken our cattle. They've taken our sheep and cows and went away.”

The storm did not shake the Mountain. Prophet Ayyub felt pain; nevertheless he was patient. He firmly said: “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return.”

Allah, the Glorified, wanted to test Ayyub. He wanted to test his faith in the Lord of the worlds. He wanted to know whether Ayyub would be patient or impatient.

On the following day a wonderful thing happened. Black clouds gathered in the sky. Thunder boomed and thunderbolts struck the land. One of the shepherds came. The shepherd's clothes were burnt, and his face was black owning to burns and smoke.

Prophet Ayyub asked the shepherd: “What happened?”

“Fire! Allah's Prophet, fire!” replied the shepherd. “Is it another misfortune?” asked Ayyub.

“Yes,” answered the shepherd. “Allah's Apostle, everything burned. A misfortune has come down from the sky. Thunderbolts have burnt the fields and farms Allah's Prophet, our land has become ashes. All my friends have died.”

Rahma said: “All the misfortunes of the world will hit us!”

“Rahma, be patient,” advised Ayyub, “this is Allah's will.”

“Allah's will!” exclaimed Rahma.

“Yes,” answered Ayyub, “The time of the test has come. Allah tests the hearts of all Prophets.”

Ayyub looked at the sky and said humbly: “Lord, grant me patience!”

On that Prophet Ayyub ordered his servants and slave boys and girls to leave his house. He said to them kindly: “Go back to your families. Look for another place. Allah, the Glorified, will test me.”

One of the servants said to Ayyub: “We're ready to repair the fields and farms. We don't like to leave you. Allah's Prophet we believe in you and love you.”

Ayyub explained: “Friends, I know that, however the test will double. I don't want you to be burnt because of me. Friends, go back to your families. Let me face the test myself.”

How Patient Ayyub Was!

Ayyub's fields and farms burned and turned into ashes. All his cattle died. However, Ayyub faced other misfortunes: All his children died. Not one of them remained alive except his good wife, Rahma.

Ayyub's house had children left in it. Ayyub was an old man. His wife was an old woman. She wept over her children; nevertheless Ayyub said to her: “This is Allah's will. We must submit to Allah's decree.”

Satan never left Ayyub. He came to whisper evil to him: “How great this misfortune is! Seven boys and three girls died at one time. They were your hope. With whom will you amuse yourself?”

Ayyub looked at the sky full of stars and said: “Allah, I know that you're the source of good! Lord, grant me patience!”

Satan ran away. He escaped when Ayyub mentioned Allah's name. He runs away when someone mentions Allah's name.

When man says: “I seek refuge with Allah from Satan,” Allah will protect him and make his heart pure. Allah, the Glorified, loves His servant. He wants them to follow the way of good.

Prophet Ayyub was patient enough to resist all misfortunes. He knew that Allah was the source of good. He knew that Allah wanted everyone to follow the way of good. He knew that Satan was the source of evil. Moreover he knew that Satan wanted man to disbelieve in Allah.

The People of Hawran

Satan never stopped whispering evil to people. He wanted to overcome Ayyub. He went to the people of the village and said to them: “Allah is indignant with Ayyub, so He has poured misfortunes on him. Ayyub has committed mortal sins, so Allah's cursed him. Ayyub has endangered you. Allah's curse may include you. You'd better leave your village.

The people of Hawran listened to Satan's whispering, so they came to Ayyub: “We think that Allah has cursed you. We're afraid that Allah's curse will include all the people of the village, thus leave our village and go far away from us. We don't want you to stay among us.”

Rahma was displeased with these words, so she said: “We live in this house of ours. You have no right to hurt Allah's Prophet.

The people of the village said with rudeness: “If you don't go out of the village, we'll take you out of it by force. Allah has cursed you. Allah's curse will include all the people of the village because of you.”

Ayyub kindly said to them: “Friends, what are you saying? Allah's poured some misfortunes on me to test me. He, the Glorified, wants to test me as he tested the Prophets before. People of Hawran, fear Allah. Don't hurt your Prophet.”

A foolish person said: “Allah's indignant with you because you've disobeyed Him.”

Rahma said: “You've wronged your Prophet! Have you forgotten his kindness to you? People of Hawran, don't you remember that he sent food and clothes to your homes?”

Ayyub looked at the sky and said with sadness: “Lord, if You want me to leave this village and live in the desert, I'll do that! Allah, forgive my people, for they're ignorant! If they knew the truth, they wouldn't treat me in such a way!”

In the Open Air

Prophet Ayyub was in a difficult situation. The people of Hawran came and took him out of his house.

They thought that Allah had cursed Ayyub, so they were afraid that Allah's curse would include them.

They forgot that Ayyub was kind, good, and merciful to the poor and the needy.

Satan had whispered evil to them, so they followed him. They let Ayyub suffer from loneliness and weakness. Not one of them supported him except his sincere wife Rahma. Only Rahma believed that Allah tested Ayyub as he tested the Prophets before, thus she decided to support Ayyub and to leave him alone.

Rahma had to work in the houses of the people of Hawran to get a loaf of bread for her and here husband.

She frequently went to Ayyub in the desert. She was worried that wolves and hyenas might eat him, for he was not strong enough to stand and protect himself from them.

Ayyub was patient. He endured all his pains with deep faith in Allah. Rahma took her patience from her husband's patience and endurance.

Rahma made her husband a shelter to protect him from the sun and rain.

Days passed in this way. Ayyub's test increased day by day.

Rahma worked hard in the houses of the people of Hawran.


One day Rahma asked the people of Hawran for work, but they closed their doors in her face, nevertheless she did not beg them for bread.

Ayyub was waiting for the return of his wife. This time his wife was late. She asked the people of Hawran for work, but they closed their doors in her face, thus she was forced to cut off her plait. She bought two loaves of bread for it.

Rahma came back to her husband and gave him a loaf of bread. When Ayyub knew that his wife had cut off her plait, he was angry with her. He said to her: “I swear by Allah, if I'm strong enough to hit you, I'll do. He was displeased with his wife's behavior, so he did not eat the loaf of bread. She had no right to do that.

Rahma wept very much. She was unable to bear those hardships. She was unable to bear that difficult life and the rejoicing of the people at their misfortune. However, when Satan whispered evil to her, she sought refuge with Allah from him. Rahma was loyal to her husband, so she nursed him.

Prophet Ayyub loved his wife very much, for she was believing, patient and satisfied with Allah's decree.

For this reason his wife said to him: “You're Allah's Prophet, ask Allah to save you from this misfortune.”

Ayyub said: “I had a long comfortable life. I had children, wealth, farms, and fields, thus I must bear this poor life.”

Rahma said: “The rejoicing of the people at our misfortune has made me sad.”

“Allah, the Glorified, sees our condition. He is the Most Merciful of all the merciful,” said Ayyub.

“We have nothing to eat today,” said Rahma, “I'll go to the people of Hawran and remind them of our kindness to them. I hope that one of them will be kind to us.”

The Spring of Life

Rahma went to the village to look for a piece of bread for her husband. Ayyub was alone in the sun.

He was serving and thanking Allah. He was always patient. His faith in Allah increased day by day. He thought that Allah was the source of good, mercy, and blessing. He thought that Allah had power over all things.

At that moment two persons from the people of Hawran passed by Ayyub. They stopped by and looked at him, and then one of them said to him: “You have committed a sin, so Allah has punished you for the sin.”

The other said to him: “You have made a mortal sin. You've concealed the sin from us, so Allah has punished you for it.”

Prophet Ayyub was sad, for some people accused him of committing sins; nevertheless he was innocent of them, thus Ayyub said with sadness: “I swear by the Might of my Lord, Allah knows that I had invited the orphans, the weak, and the poor to eat with me.”

Ayyub looked at the sky and said: “Lord, I'm satisfied with Your decree! Good is in Your hand! You have the power over all things! My healing is in Your hand! My sickness is in Your hand! Only You can heal me! Satan tries to whisper evil to me!”

The two persons were astonished at Ayyub's patience. They left him and went away. They thought of Ayyub's words throughout their journey.

Suddenly, the place shone with beautiful transparent light. The air was full of good perfume. Ayyub saw angel coming down from the sky to him. The angel said to him: “Peace be on Ayyub, the dearest one of Allah's servants. Ayyub, you are the best of servants. Allah sends you His greetings and says to you: “I've accepted your prayers. I'm going to give you the reward of the patient. Ayyub, hit the ground with your leg. Wash your body in the Holy Fountain.”

Then the angel disappeared. Ayyub felt that the light shone in his heart, so hit the ground with his leg. Suddenly, cool, fresh water gushed from the Fountain. Ayyub drank from that pure water. The blood of health flowed to his face. Weakness left him completely.

He was stronger than he was during the days of the misfortunes and illness.

Ayyub took off the clothes of illness and weakness, and then he wore plain white clothes with perfume from Heaven.

Little by little the ground around Ayyub became green with plants.

Rahma came back. She looked for her husband but she did not find him. She found a person with sound face. She asked the person kindly: “Have you seen Ayyub, Allah's Prophets?”

“I'm Ayyub, Rahma!” answered Ayyub.

“You?” asked Rahma, “My husband's a weak old man.”

“Allah makes people sick and heals them. He, the Glorified, has power over all things.” explained Ayyub.

“Are you Ayyub?” asked Rahma again.

“Yes,” replied Ayyub, “Allah has decided to heal me and to end my misfortune. Rahma, come on! Go and wash your body in the Fountain! Allah will reward you for your patience and loyalty; moreover He'll renew your vitality!”

Rahma took off the clothing of poverty and need. She washed her body in the Fountain. Then Allah clothed her with the garment of youth and health.

The water of the fountain flowed and irrigated the burnt fields filled with ashes, so it made them green. The Holy Water flowed into the land. It irrigated the graves of Ayyub's children who died before.

Ayyub's children were raised from the dead. Everything returned to how they were seven years ago when Ayyub was sound. Allah tested Ayyub. He wanted him to be patient and grateful.

Allah wanted people to know that he had the ability to make them sick and heal them, make them poor and give them wealth.

Allah wanted people to know that they had no right to dismiss the poor because of their poverty, the weak owing to their weakness, and the old on account of their old age.

Prophet Ayyub's story is a sign and lesson for all people. It indicates that Allah has power over all things: It was He who deprived Ayyub of his blessings, his belongings and his health. It was He Who returned to Ayyub all his children and blessed them, thus returned to Ayyub his your and health. He gave him sons and grandsons, so people believed in Allah, the One and Only. They also believed in Prophet Ayyub's prophecy and message.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

[83] And Ayub, when he cried to his Lord, (saying): Harm has afflicted me, and Thou art the most Merciful of the merciful.
[84] Therefore We responded to him and took off what harm he had, and We gave him his family and the like of them with them: a mercy from Us and a reminder to the worshippers.

Koran, 21, 83-84

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

[41] And remember Our servant Ayyub, when he called upon his Lord: The Shaitan has afflicted me with toil and torment.
[42] Urge with your foot; here is a cool washing-place and a drink.
[43] And We gave him his family and the like of them with them, as a mercy from Us, and as a reminder to those possessed of understanding.
[44] And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with It and do not break your oath; surely We found him patient; most excellent the servant! Surely he was frequent m returning (to Allah).

Koran 38, 41-44

Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed


+1 #9 RE: Surely He Was Frequent In Returning (To Allah) - The Story of Our Prophet AyyubGuest 2015-06-04 11:38
so good but looking for family
#8 RE: Surely He Was Frequent In Returning (To Allah) - The Story of Our Prophet Ayyubguest 2015-04-05 22:35
Is Prophet Ayyub (AS) has only one wife?
-1 #7 ayyub.aliay yub.ali 2015-04-04 12:10
Nam.momad.ayyub .alli
+10 #6 StorrySüdais 2013-05-30 21:34
jazakumullahu kheyr those who written this story and those who participated
+8 #5 RE: Surely He Was Frequent In Returning (To Allah) - The Story of Our Prophet Ayyubshafeeq 2013-05-02 18:32
may ALLAH bless us all to remain tolerant and faithful until death
+8 #4 RE: Surely He Was Frequent In Returning (To Allah) - The Story of Our Prophet AyyubGuest 2013-05-02 18:31
may Allah bless us all to remain tolerant and faithful till death..ameen
+3 #3 RE: Surely He Was Frequent In Returning (To Allah) - The Story of Our Prophet AyyubHASAN ISSA 2012-12-21 19:32
this story is amazing mashalah
+4 #2 RE: Surely He Was Frequent In Returning (To Allah) - The Story of Our Prophet AyyubGuest 2012-12-21 19:30
+9 #1 RE: Surely He Was Frequent In Returning (To Allah) - The Story of Our Prophet AyyubHamida 2012-11-18 00:17
Prays belongs toAllah (subhanallah) most mercyfull mostHigh.Ameen Allahumma. Aameem . wussalaam

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