
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

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Assalaamu alaykum,

My name is Jennah and I am a revert to Islam. When you're just discovering Islam there's so many unanswered questions.  You can't seem to get enough information and sometimes not being able to find the right information and then even sometimes finding far too much information to digest. It can be a bit overwhelming .
For those of you who are thinking to convert to Islam making the decision to be a Muslim is a big event in ones life. It should not ever be taken lightly and I would recommend you get as much facts as possible taking the time to learn as much as you can before taking that leap. It's the right leap but it's a big leap and you need to prepare yourself.

You have already been guided this far and so I would like to encourage you the rest of the way. It's good to see that you bypassed all the negatives and all the misconceptions out there about Muslims, about people of the middle East, about the different Muslim sects.

You're here on this site because you're either considering a conversion to Islam or you're simply curious and would like to know more about our faith in order to ease your mind about some of what you may have heard in the media. Inshallah (if Allah wishes) I will attempt to give you all the information I have at hand in order to enlighten you on your journey.

A revert ( A converted Muslim) and born Muslim is always discovering Islam, it never stops. You will reach different levels of knowledge. Don't be discouraged if you can't pronounce the Arabic language right away.

This takes time, and often people are making errors even years after learning to do their salat (prayer) entirely in Arabic. Allah(swt) is always so pleased with your efforts. You never have to worry in that regard as God(swt) is all merciful and compassionate. It's ok to print off a prayer sheet and have it beside you while you do salat. It's ok to make mistakes. it took 23 years for the Qur'an to be revealed, so you shouldn't expect to learn everything overnight.

Just stay on track, slow and steady, and ask those who are reliable for unanswered questions. We offer help here and you can contact us if you have any questions. We will either answer them or forward them on to our scholars and get back to you as quickly as possible. Don't assume anything and it's always best to ask so that you do not fall into a haram(sinful) situation.

Salams and duas

Sr.Jennah Heydari

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